it was funny until i scrolled down to the picture of the fetus in space, and then it was f'ing hilarious. i think i was actually sucked through a time warp to 1989. i want my popple and some popeye cigarettes to suck on. and maybe also a pogo ball.
You are the man. Way to go with setting goals and following through. When can we expect the motivational speakers tour. Tony Robbins is a punk compared tou your vision!
I just bought your book because I was reading it at the bookstore and I believe in Karma. And I looked like an insane person laughing out-loud alone in public. I don't read shit like this, I read LITERATURE. Fuck you for lowering my standards.
OMG! That panda photo is so fucking cute it's killing me. Someone needs to travel back in time to 1989 and kill that damn panda before it finishes me off for good.
Wow. I had never heard of you before. I am an erotic fiction author and a freelance writer, and I was in Borders Bookstore the other day with my daughter. While she perused the Manga section, I was meandering around and happened to see the eye-catching bookcover of your book. I flipped to a random page within (the one that says "How are you still cute?") and busted up laughing LITERALLY out loud. Many people turned to stare at me in disdain. I smiled, grabbed the book, and thought to myself, "Anything that can bring other people to hate me that quickly MUST become a part of my collection." It is amazing. I am a fan for life now. :) Thanks for the constant smiles.
The "fetus in space" mentioned by BB was actually from the movie 2001:A Space Oddesy, one of the most confusing, overrated and underwritten pieces of crap ever to try and pass itself off as a "great" movie. By the way, LOVE the column. It is frikkin hysterical.
I just finished the infamous book and loved it. I liked the small changes you made to make the stuff in the blog more book-friendly. One thunb up! (Sorry I can't give you two, I'm using the other hand to punch a kitten)
I haven't even read your blog yet and already I am laughing. My Firefox dictionary does not know the word "blog," wtf? You, sir, are an asshole. Thank you.
I first and foremost impressed that you managed to have your first blog entry years before the internet was even in existence. I applaud you and your clearly genius technological capabilities.
Also just thought I'd mention that I bought the book for the friend that introduced me to your blog while I was in Seattle a little while ago. I am now Awesome Friend.
I'm a little late to the party, but I felt that it needed to be said that the toast is none other than the famous Virgin Mary Toast. Crazy thing is, it sold for $28000. What the hell, toast? Seriously.
Was the internet even around in 1989? I always new you were a liar and a cheat. ;)
get some new goddamn lips, scary ass lady holding a piece of burnt toast. while you're at it, kill yourself
Nothing like dreaming big! Dreams do come true! You give me hope.
You are effing hysterical. Seriously. Kudos to you for this insanely amazing Blog and for always making me laugh... :)
Well done sir.
it was funny until i scrolled down to the picture of the fetus in space, and then it was f'ing hilarious. i think i was actually sucked through a time warp to 1989. i want my popple and some popeye cigarettes to suck on. and maybe also a pogo ball.
Clearly the weirdo toast lady had been trying to follow this advice and kiss a vulture:
Serves her right.
this is pretty phenomenal. you should check out the slow loris video linked to from the strip poker post at
that jerkoff loris really needs to be told off
thank you, thank you, thank you!
my three copies were shipped today!!!
What did you have to crap first before you could get the book out. My book finally shipped from Amazon.
This is hilar. So glad you were blogging back in 1989 - especially fitting as the ten-year anniversary of Blogger was this week!
You are the man. Way to go with setting goals and following through. When can we expect the motivational speakers tour. Tony Robbins is a punk compared tou your vision!
Thanks for making me smile, and sometimes laugh. Clever humor is rare.
I just bought your book because I was reading it at the bookstore and I believe in Karma. And I looked like an insane person laughing out-loud alone in public. I don't read shit like this, I read LITERATURE. Fuck you for lowering my standards.
OMG! That panda photo is so fucking cute it's killing me. Someone needs to travel back in time to 1989 and kill that damn panda before it finishes me off for good.
Ridiculous. I read your blog at work and have to choke back laughter. Which can get awkward since i deal with the public....
Funny - I was one of the few on the internet in 1990 (Prodigy) and I don't remember you at all! Thanks for the laugh.
Jesus Christ, it's toast. And it's fucking adorable.
Oh YEAH? Well, I just plugged your book but I wrote it back in '79, MAN!!! TOP THAT! (
Wow. I had never heard of you before. I am an erotic fiction author and a freelance writer, and I was in Borders Bookstore the other day with my daughter. While she perused the Manga section, I was meandering around and happened to see the eye-catching bookcover of your book. I flipped to a random page within (the one that says "How are you still cute?") and busted up laughing LITERALLY out loud. Many people turned to stare at me in disdain. I smiled, grabbed the book, and thought to myself, "Anything that can bring other people to hate me that quickly MUST become a part of my collection." It is amazing. I am a fan for life now. :) Thanks for the constant smiles.
Naiomi Pitre
The "fetus in space" mentioned by BB was actually from the movie 2001:A Space Oddesy, one of the most confusing, overrated and underwritten pieces of crap ever to try and pass itself off as a "great" movie. By the way, LOVE the column. It is frikkin hysterical.
Sorry about the "post removed by the author" note. I accidentally posted the same one twice so in order to not be redundatn, i deleted the first one.
A Picture is worth a 1000 words! Nice 17000 word essay. u should win some kind of award for it! ;)
I just finished the infamous book and loved it. I liked the small changes you made to make the stuff in the blog more book-friendly. One thunb up! (Sorry I can't give you two, I'm using the other hand to punch a kitten)
I haven't even read your blog yet and already I am laughing. My Firefox dictionary does not know the word "blog," wtf? You, sir, are an asshole. Thank you.
I first and foremost impressed that you managed to have your first blog entry years before the internet was even in existence. I applaud you and your clearly genius technological capabilities.
Also just thought I'd mention that I bought the book for the friend that introduced me to your blog while I was in Seattle a little while ago. I am now Awesome Friend.
I'm a little late to the party, but I felt that it needed to be said that the toast is none other than the famous Virgin Mary Toast. Crazy thing is, it sold for $28000. What the hell, toast? Seriously.
In a weird way, I wanna BE you! :D
Wow, was this really posted in 1989? Cause all the comments are from 2009.
You took me on a journey, I was crying the whole time.
Thanks for sharing, much appreciated and useful post, congrat and keep on track!
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