I know this guy looks like he's been around for a while and he knows what he's talking about, but DO NOT TAKE FINANCIAL ADVICE FROM HIM. First of all, the viscacha is not a rabbit, it's a rodent, which takes him down a peg or two in terms of ability to really see what's going on from a broad perspective and think in terms of long-term solvency. Second, those whiskers come included with every member of the species, so he's really not as wise as he seems.
Quite frankly, Viscacha, I don't care how many times they let you on CNBC, you have no idea what you are talking about. I'm not going to "take this opportunity during the downturn to invest in grass." AND THANKS FOR THAT HOT TIP ON CIRCUIT CITY, MORON, THEY REALLY DID TURN IT AROUND, DIDN'T THEY? You'll be hearing from my attorney, Viscacha.
His eyes closed in a thoughtful expression....
Thinkin' about the next crap he takes, that's what.
What a funny looking animal....
I think he's probably all self righteous and looking down on me, well screw you, Viscacha! Holding down a job in this economy isn't as easy as chewing the fuck out of a slipper or whatever it is that you do.
That's the same mother fucker who told me to invest in Enron!
Grass? Really, Viscacha? Juat because you and cows love it doesn't mean it's a high commodity.
Here's a quarter, Viscacha. Go play a game of pinball. Go play in your caca, Viscacha. I don't care. Just get out of my life.
He wears a facial expression that reeks of, "I have just had sexual intercourse with your mother. She achieved orgasm three times."
Listen punk, I don't care if you have a sagacious look going for you. I can grow a mustache too, but I don't because they itch and make me look creepy. STOP TAUNTING ME WITH YOUR ETHNIC GOOD LOOKS AND FOODS I DON"T UNDERSTAND! Go back to wherever it is you come from and wow the ladies there, chump.
Hey man, i took advice from him to, your not alone...
I'm an asshole. I took financial advice from this douche bag. Now I'm ruined. Thanks for that Viscacha. Now I'm gonna have to work and raise money to put a hit on you-so watch your back rodent.
You are obviously enjoying the spoils of your labor--advising all those banks to invest in sub-prime mortgages and executive retreats in exclusive spas. Well, I have a stimulus package for you, fucker...it's called Puma, and it ain't the kind I wear on my feet.
Little known fact: All viscachas have the last name of Madoff. Sneaky bastards.
There's the sonofabitch that told me to send my money to Madoff!
um... rabbits are rodents, too. Just sayin'.
you turned my frown upsidedown.
um, they're not rodents, marjorie. they're lagomorphs.
He looks like someone that I have seen before somewhere!
Hey Viscacha, how long have you been working on that look. You may resemble Ben Stein, but don't even start offering advice on shorting GE. Come back when you learn how to do a good impression of Jim Cramer. Hah, a bald, loud, overbearing viscacha - I made myself laugh.
friggin' viscacha.
friggin' marjorie..
Dear Viscacha,
I'll bet you took the bail out money and just ran(hopped) away.
What a funny looking animal and a funny name too! If any of you have pets and need to find anything for them or would like to search for exotic animals try this site I found. It is called http://www.animallookup.com. You will be amazed at all the information and animal facts you can find by just this one site. Thanks for the info on the Viscacha.
What I wanna know is what the fuck's that little asshole rodent doing masquerading as a fucking rabbit?!
It's like ya can't believe in nothin' no more....
i came home from work yesterday to find my husband in bed with a Viscacha.
You know he wears glasses like Giles.
I pity this jerk.
Next thing you know, the government will be bailing out this m*therf*ck*r. Damn you, Viscacha. Damn you.
OMG ~ I can't believe my eyes ~ I think I sent he and all 160,000 of his kids to college buying his crap stock market advise. He looks smug and I look broke. Does any one have his address?
Hope you don't take a shiv in the yard or have to share a cell with Bernie Madoff when you're doing hard time for the evil you've done.
p.s. You look like a rabbit.
There is no freakin' way Art Cashin is letting this furry lil asshole on the floor of the Exchange.
No matter how many times Erin Burnett squees over him off camera.
Maybe he'll have better luck panhandling around Central Park- until the squirrels kick his ass to Jersey...
I don't appreciate fucking piece of shit animals trying to take some of the glory from our good friend Gary Larson and trying to look like one of his cartoons. What a fucking glory hogging bastard. Fuck you Viscacha, you smug looking worthless pile! I can't wait to dine on your Viscus tonight Viscacha.
i think we have our bernie madoff here...
This makes me angry. When I try to say your name, Viscacha, I end up sounding like I'm trying to do a very complicated tongue-twister in Spanish, and failing. Miserably.
And I'm not even mentioning your face.
The Jim Cramer of critters.....damn you!
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