"I thought 4/20 was a hilarious way to celebrate casual drug use. I woke up last year on this very date like any normal day, hopped over to my friend's tree, turned on some Looney Tunes cartoons, and got high all day. And then I died. So remember that next time you think it's all fun and games and no one is going to get hurt. AND ALSO REMEMBER: KANGAROOS THAT USE DRUGS HAVE JOEYS THAT USE DRUGS."
I saw this dude on Cops. He looked totally strung out. I think he has a meth lab in his basement.
Uhhh...I guess I shouldn't be getting that kangaroo at the local zoo high anymore. I didn't realize it was lethal for marsupials. My bad!
dude, i totally forgot today is 4/20... maybe I shouldnt celebrate anymore...
OMG! :-P
that is a successfully self medicated marsupial that otherwise might be hanging around dingy cellars with brad pitt... remember- when it comes to kangaroos- better stoned than fighty.
Kangaroo normally I would bash you but today I think I will join you. My soul already got sucked out by a cute baby seal so I've got nothing to lose. Happy 4:20!
I would never embar - ASS myself like that. Excrutiating.
p.s. loving this blog.
This kangaroo offered me a joint once, but there was no way I was gonna put my mouth on something that had been inside her pouch. Gross.
Im pretty sure I saw her on a Cops re-run. She was in her acid washed cut offs and flannel shirt.
Look at that fucking mess. Kangaroos like that give legitimate stoners a bad name.
"You're much too young
your life ain't begun
let's hop for a while...."
Just say 'No', Kangaroo.
...just say 'No'.
Pssst...,hey,pass it to the left.
Oh no.
Doesn't even have his wife-beater shirt on! Gaaaaaaaaacckkk!
I'm not roo-ist but really, everyone knows what they're like. Pot smoking wasters is what they are. But you can't say it because it's not "politically correct". We should stop giving them welfare checks and make them go and get a job. It's a damn disgrace.
jesus.....don't even get my started on koalas...those assholes get so high they fall right out of their tree and don't even think about us wee folks walking around down below.
And you know the worst part for a high Kangaroo, when they get the munchies, all they have to eat is grass.
That kanga has some deformed hands.
Dear Hippie Kangaroo,
Get a job.
That's what those pouches are for. You know he's holding.
Well, ya wanna know what? Roo's agent has spent a fortune @ Betty's Clinic.
Like 'they say' - no one can help Roo until Roo is ready to help herself!
Officer McGruff should arrest those marsupial offenders! Help us MCGRUFF!
Ah,memories. The days of wine and rooses...
Kangaroos on drugs is a serious problem in Australia. It causes them to have the biggest balls but the smallest dicks - and they set a bad example. I mean, look at Mel Gibson.
Bong smokin' fuck...
"My parents' trust fund isn't going to spend itself, dude".
Your skull is caked with bong resin, so I doubt this will get through. Keep learning the didgeridoo and your Phish jam-sessions, and I'll keep being a productive member of society. I think we can peacefully coexist, as long as you keep your smelly ass in the garage where it belongs.
Did you ever see that movie "Matilda", about a kangaroo that could box? I think it's the same guy.
this is an important life lesson for all in the animal kingdom. remember: roos don't use.
haha. where the fuck do you find these photo's man? The jaded hipster owl was a highlight! Go boy go!
Aw, this was all fun and games until that poor Joey came along. An innocent victim, born in a drug-laced pouch.
Although...It could be kinda fun riding around in a pouch while stoned. Maybe?
Is he dead??? If so, not so funny. Wah-wah : (
God damned dingos pissed on me again while I was noddin'...
I encourage you to remove this post in light of the recent burst in kangaroo-related violence and unprovoked attacks...I mean was this poor kangaroo wearing boxing gloves...NO:
Kangaroo gets hit by arrow in head, still in head, and still alive...
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