Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm on to you, you smug son of a bitch

What did you fucking do? I can't possibly imagine that you could plan something so complex as to be this fucking proud of yourself, Frog. Animals aren't supposed to be proud of themselves, you are just supposed to hop around, eat some food, and hope a nice lady frog pays attention to you. WHAT HAPPENED TO HUMILITY, FROG?

I would be willing to bet whatever you think your scheme is going to accomplish will not work. This is the real world, Frog, the big time. So unless you are in an 80s action movie with a British accent, I need you to hop back into the water and go make some tadpoles and stop acting like you just went through metamorphosis for the first time in history or something.


Thersa said...

I hate smug amphibians. Fuckign assholes! Who does he think he is? The Geico Gecko?!

mike said...

Geez! just look at that mofo, standing there, with that "im better than you" look in its face. Go grab a budweiser and return to what you are good at: Making lame redneck beer ads, you media whore.

Cut the crap!!!

The Big Picture said...

This guy's ego is waaay too big. He needs something like frog herpes to knock him down a rung.

Unknown said...

What a douche bag.

Raisin Canes said...

The only thing I hate more than smug dolphins are pretentious frogs. Guess what frog: no one likes you! Stay in the swamp and wipe that damn smile off your face!

spoff said...

Frogs are all like that, check out this smug bastard who came through DC last year:

PersonalFailure said...

and what have you achieved, frog, other than sitting on a rock that sets off your no doubt fake bluish skin beautifully? huh? what?

Daddy Blogger said...

What's up, frog? Did you just get done singing The Michigan Rag on a tightrope with a top hat and cane or something? Or did you do a promo for a third rate cable channel? Where is that channel now, huh? You do the promos and the WB goes under. You do your song and dance and someone goes bankrupt? Coincidence? I don't think so. Get away from me you smug jerk!

Nicole oh-so Lovely said...

i would never give that frog the time of day...NEVER


Don Newbury said...

Look at him just sitting all proud of himself and stuff! Whore! I'd like to just slap that fucking smirk off his face once and for all!

Anonymous said...

brilliant- and a totally pointless and irrelevant award for u over at mine ;0)

Jessica Mooney said...

You know what Frog? I'm gonna take the biggest piece of humble pie I can find and shove it down your throat! Is that what you want, Frog? 'Cause that's what you're gonna get.

John Bosley said...

I've never met a frog who wasn't a smug jerk. JERK!

ChuckyLuv said...

best FUP post to date! Bravo

Barb said...

Is he rubbing himself against that piece of wood?

Stuart said...

I'm betting he's from Boston.

Unknown said...


im so hikki said...

i wish i was THAT cool.

trekker said...

You Know that smile is from that ten inch tung! What have you been doing with that tung! Keep smiling You smug Bastard!

Cute_Animals_Taste_Better said...

I bet his mood would change if zombie Jim Henson stuck its hand up his ass! Bet!

nltisme said...

What a self absorbed little shit! Fuck YOU froggie!

Anonymous said...

Maybe someone should kiss him...

Threewolfy said...

Sweet baby jezus, why are you so fricking mad at that poor little frog. Can't an amphibrother try to get ahead? He's just trying to sit on his log thingy, figuring out a way to better his life. Isn't it bad enough he lives on a log without you getting all up in his bizness and dousing him with your NotKool-Aid. Damn. He's finally got something to be proud of and you just won't let him be.

WR said...

One word for the smug Frog: DARWIN (read it and weep).

Bakso Bandit said...

Look at those guns! The little pratt has been working out!

artmonstergirl said...

What's what indeed. My green tree frog gives you a complacent and smug how-do-you-do:

Technogeekboy said...

Dig'em Frog was never that smug and he was a real celebrity. Let's see you make a cereal box before you start throwing attitude around the pond, frog.

Second City Wifey said...

He is hotttt ! I know what he did but I can't say...

Leaf said...

Honestly, he looks to me as though he's trying to attract the attention of that hot princess standing just off camera.

mermayd said...

he looks depressed to me...

BioPeach said...

The little pervert probably wants a kiss- that's all these frogs want, always trying to score with a human chick- well, frog, I'm not that easy, I--flowers? For me? Well...

Eric said...

Well it looks like someone just got lucky with Miss Piggy...

00000000000 said...

Oh, i love frogs. Can i have that cute guy if you don't like him? I have collecti0ns of frogs.c",)

Anonymous said...

I laugh so hard I almost pee every time I look at this post. Okay maybe I did pee a little.

HRH King Friday XIII, Ret. said...

that fucker looks like the bastard love child of the gieco gecko and brooke shields.

Anonymous said...

this post is brilliant. i want to cry.

baba yaga said...

he really really does look french.
it's weird.

Lowflyin' Lolana said...

he's smiling because he knows he's amphibious, and how cool is that?

Trai said...

lmao fuck that frog

rustyoneill said...
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rustyoneill said...
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rustyoneill said...

I hope that frog is cool, but if he's not and he's actually a lot like the talk show host with the initials D and L... then I hope his son develops a masturbating problem and masturbates all over his face. (but not in a gay way.)

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Humans Are Trash said...

He's laughing at you you fuck heads. Look at his Mona Lisa smile. Humans are so fucked!