Wednesday, July 29, 2009

I can't believe this is a rabbit

This is an angora rabbit. Do you believe it? When I first saw this I thought, "Hold on, there, Internet. There's no way that's a rabbit. It's so furry and round." But it's totally a rabbit. WHAT'S WRONG WITH THIS RABBIT?! You are sooooo crazy, Rabbit! Holy shit. Do you even know how much you look just like this cotton ball?

I literally had to look twice before I could tell them apart, but I know the difference is in the eyes. NICE TRY, RABBIT.

UPDATE: There's been a lot of confusion in the comment section as to which of these photos is the cotton ball and which one is the rabbit. Believe me, I know how difficult this can be. The key is to look at the eyes in the first picture, as you can see here. See? Definitely a rabbit.


Laila P said...

No way is THAT a rabbit!!!

Dr. Jay SW said...

That's the most fucked up excuse for a rabbit I've ever seen. Angora's for sweaters, goddammit!

Noelle said...

Um, where's the head? It looks more like a rabbit tail than a whole rabbit.

Anonymous said...

this is a LIE.

oh wait. nope. truth.

iangoole said...
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iangoole said...

What the fuck is up with that then Doc, I've got a baby's arse could put that to better use..

WR said...

"I like soft things..." Lenny in "Of Mice and Men"

The end is coming Rabbit! Hide - if you can find your legs!!

Unknown said...

ummm..are those pics reversed (one from the post and the link to the cotton ball)? I think the main image on the post is a cotton ball!

Florence said...

that's what i thought, Brian.

Wes said...

These are weird and cute at the same time! Inconceivable!

Hayley said...

it obviously WANTS to be a hat... because that's what it looks like.

apotheosis said...

It's a rabbit, allright. If you look closely you can see the two long depressions on its back. Those are the organs rabbits use to sense human souls and suck them out.

They're usually hidden by the "ears." This little bastard dropped his guard, and now he and his species should pay.

Krimmyk said...

Time to make a sweater out of his cottony ass!

Tonyator said...

@ Brian and Florence

tbh I think that was the point!

Unknown said...

Dude, did you feed your Mogwai after midnight?

Unknown said...

Looks to me like someone passed some undigested vanilla cotton candy!

April said...

I'm gonna get me one of those rabbits and use it for various cosmetic purposes.

Anonymous said...

i need something to get this bright green nail polish off my toenails...

desi said...

that can't be a rabbit...serioussss?
are there more photos?


Anonymous said...

What, is it a rabiit without a head?

Anonymous said...

Nope, that's clearly my cat's bed. If it wakes up, it's clearly my cat's dinner. Suck it, rabbit. said...

Oh yeah, sure, and the shirt I'm wearing is a pussycat.

Anonymous said...

i think that's actually an owl pellet. Some owl's idea of a sick joke.

jflorek said...

Angora, you fail the Rabbit Test.

Juliette said...

Dearest FUP,
I see you got a picture of the Cotton Ball in the wild, and I know from experience that these are pretty hard to get.
Congrats from a fellow zoologist.

Sbrilli said...

dude I think you reversed the pictures. Haha jk jk. God damn rabbits.

BioPeach said...

Here's how you can tell a bunny from a cotton ball: one is sterile and the not.

Daddy Blogger said...

That's a rabbit? I've got a whole bag of them in my bathroom at home! No wonder it's been growing! They have been multiplying, like.. well... rabbits! Stupid hippie rabbits! Get a haircut and get a job!

the bewilderness said...

That is a camo rabbit. Like the camo bread loaf rabbit that will sneak into your bread bakeries to eat your bread, so does this rabbit pose a dire danger. It lurks among piles of snowballs and when you pick it up, it is all over but the screaming. Attack of the killer rabbits, right there in the middle of a snowball fight. Shameless!

Mike! said...

How, just tell me how these freaking things manage to reproduce? I mean, look at it! A fucking Tribble has a more distinct shape! What, they just jump and hump and hope beyond it hits a proper spot? They should have died out centuries ago.
Stupid rabbits.

Alexa said...

Definitely a tribble.

Unknown said...


ferretluvbone said...

no, that is a bleached, moldy turd.

Alexei01 said...

this is a clear rabbit fail

blonde ambition boston said...

That's definitely a cotton ball. Somebody lied to you!

Unknown said...

Fucking ridiculous furball.

Blogvine said...


Anne H said...

back to tribbles or energizers for sure.

Simon Leong said...

this rabbit has no chance in nature of surviving, it can't even see!

Unknown said...

Man, whoever took that photo was brave. This is obviously the Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog. You can see his nasty, big, pointy teeth.

I V Y said...

awww haha that's fuunnnny

Jun Okumura said...

I wouldn't want to be that cotton ball when I'm taking a dump.

ES said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marina M. said...

well, at least he doesn't have bad angles when he takes a picture !;) It's one massive fur ball !:D

Iron Rhino said...

...I have been following your Blog for some time now, and I must say, U are an 'effin genius!


Anonymous said...

I actually own an angora rabbit myself, and if I didn't get him shaved down every 5 weeks, he would look EXACTLY like that cotton ball! Rabbits rule!

Anonymous said...

Friggin albino merkins!

Anonymous said...

How many friggin animals do you think wipe there asses on cute Mr bunny?

Unknown said...

That is a HUGE cotton ball. Do you think they sell any at Walmart?

mermayd said...

i hate RABBITS! i hate BUNNIES more. evil, evil deceptive creatures wrapped in cute cuddlyness that masks their deceptive nature. when i was 11 i was attacked by my best friends bunny. it bit my 11 year old boob and hung on for dear life. scarred me for ever. may they all burn!!!! 'cept the white rabbit from alice in wonderland. stopwatches are cool

VanZandtGrrl said...

Clearly it is photoshopped.... or maybe not....

Hillary said...

This guy IS a genius, Iron Rhino, but some of his commenters might not be...

Zephardii said...

Sneaky fucking rabbit.

Zephardii said...

Sneaky fucking rabbits.

crisabella said...


Unknown said...

disgustingly cute picture of an angora rabbit found through google