Monday, August 17, 2009

FU Penguins are always FU Penguining


Hey Cat, has anyone ever told you that you remind them of the book FU, Penguin that is going to be released on August 25th, 2009, but that you can pre-order from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Borders, or Indie Bound right now? In fact, I was reading my advance copy the other day, and I was laughing and laughing. Have you heard that world famous cat Keyboard Cat said FU, Penguin was, "The greatest book of the new millenium?"

Do you like to laugh, Cat? I bet you don't even remember what it is like. I bet if you bought the book FU, Penguin, you would laugh so hard that you would have to go out and buy another copy of the book FU, Penguin, available wherever fine books are sold. I BET YOU WOULD LOVE FU, PENGUIN AND CHERISH IT FOR THE REST OF YOUR FUCKING LIFE. Here, Cat, I will even provide you with the links to various sites that are selling FU, Penguin:

Are you happy now, Cat? I mean, Jesus FU, Penguin Christ.


Laila P said...

The cat looks a bit shocked - probably from the amount of times you shouted FU, Penguin at it ;)

Anonymous said...

So when is that book coming out? ;-)

PersonalFailure said...

Wait, there's a book? I think you need to shout at some cavorting otters to get your point across. (and let's face it, when do cavorting otters not need to be shouted at?)

Unknown said...

Deamn, I guess I'd better by the F'n book!

Unknown said...

You should definitely make it available to read on the Kindle! said...

That cat's moustache is getting in the way of his literary pursuits. Can't wait for the book!

trulymadlydeeply said...

Oh My FU Penguin GOD!!!!

I have not had such severe laughing convulsions in centuries.
A mere 12 seconds of keyboard cat has me doubled over my quiet cubicle-like desk area, crying, choking on tears of hysteria.

Finally, FU gives back!! Thank you. (The keyboard cat still hates you though. Probably has something to do with the suit. Plus, to cats, all humans look the same. I wouldn't take any offense.)

DH said...

Shameless self-promotion? Who the hell do you think you are? Jon and Kate? Octo-mom? Sarah Palin? WTF (u, p).

Entrepreneur Chick said...

Entrepreneur Chick is also a shameless promoter (it's one of my spiritual gifts) and did not get where I am without telling every one I could think of that- I OWN FOUR BUSINESSES that you'd be interested in. The only thing- I don't, as Entrepreneur Chick, write about them directly.
Good for you! Can't wait to read it. You're very creative- luvs it.

WR said...

Once again, I think I speak for at least myself when I email this thought: Sometimes we think FU,P is slightly to the left of completely weird. This is one of those times. But it worked - we got the point and we'll tell our friends about the GD book already.

Anonymous said...

Did you have to super glue the friggin cat's feet on the mat to blatantly plug your friggin book? FU Penguin, staples are better!

Unknown said...

You know, that cat used to be black. And skinny. Until it saw its own reflection. Now the fear is here to stay...

Michael from said...

why must you poke fun at this poor little pussy?

scottie said...

It is very important that you all view this bit about some elephant who received a prosthetic leg after stepping on a mine.

Damn you, elephant! Now I will be crying all day.

Unknown said...

Cats can't read because they are too stupid. They just make you think they can by hanging out with professors and in book stores and sitting on your lap right between you and a good book with their ass in your face.

This, and every other, cat will try and undermine the success of your book by distracting readers from the hilarity, with his pitiful need for attention.

Dangerous move bringing a cat in on this FUP - I hope the gamble works.

The Brothers said...

Yes, yes, we're buying it. It's our new book for the back of the toilet, so guests can enjoy themselves while using our facilities. Congrats on replacing Everybody Poops!

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Hey, is the book full of new material or is it repeats of what we've seen here?

Julie D said...

OMG, here from The Peach Tart's blog. How could I not visit a place with a name like Fuck You, Penguin?

I will add my name to your list of a freaking million followers.

rustyoneill said...

That cat is a bastard. He always be makin' faces at me like he better'n me. Asshole. That is definately a "pussy cat", sans the "cat". Which means it's only good for the same thing a pussy is good for. Being masturbated on like the famous talk show host with the intitials D and L except he will have that done to him by his own son, because he be making some livid comments about rape and "ish".
Why is everyone on here in this blog not making comments about the cat and are talking about the book. Who cares, that cat is MESSED UP; even more messed up that jihadic-related genocide.

Nic what is yo number. we should hang out, you seem like you are gehtto f.a.b.o.l.o.u.s.

I want to promote myself to official master of this blog.

"F" that cat, h/she ain't bettah'n me! Lil ho.

Cat's be all up in yo face try'n to get you to touch'em an "ish", just like a pussy. ain't it! you be watchin' da game an' all of a sudden, there she be. "hey baby... unnnhhmms, (click) you wanna give me a massage?"
why the hell would i give you a massage. AND why the hell do you make a click noise aftah' you say "uhmms"?! You can axe me if I want a massage an maybe i'll be happy to give you some attention. it ain't no damn privelege fo me to give you a massge. I ain't goin' to be happy jus' because you are saying I can touch yo big ass face. DAMN! YA'LL CRAZY, JUST LIKE THAT DAMN CAT. "F" THAT "ISH"!

So Nic, yeah, uhhnnmms, holla at cho boi!! HOVA!

futureshock said...

You must check this out:

Unknown said...

Where is my fuckin' book? I ordered it weeks ago! I live near L.A. but can't make it to your personal appearance, so would you come up here to our house in the Tehachapi Mountains and sign the book? I'll fix lunch for ya!

Seafoodpunch said...

wtf. there is a book? Holy sweet jeezus on a stick?! I need to get someone to buy it for me...because..just like when I'm buying the extra large condoms at the store...I'd be embarassed to walk up to the counter with this book. Even though...your book/site/brain is friggin AWESOME!