Thursday, March 5, 2009

The Tibetan fox thinks he's better than you

I just want you people to drink in this world-class douchebag known as the Tibetan Fox. Have you ever seen such a holier-than-thou fucking look on a non-dolphin before? I'm not one for slapping foxes, as I generally think they know what they've done, but this one really has that look, like the asshole boyfriend of the girl the main guy wants in an 80s movie. Unsurprisingly, he is extremely rare. That's probably because he thinks if he has too many babies, some of them will turn out to be commoners and he wouldn't be able to show his square face at the country club anymore.

How's your ivory tower, Tibetan Fox? I'm sure it must be terribly stressful to stand in judgment of the rest of us little people, so why don't you just retire to your cabin and play lacrosse? You know what, on second thought, WHY DON'T YOU WANDER THE DESERT LOOKING FOR RODENTS. Some of us have to work for a living, Tibetan Fox. We don't get everything handed to us by a lifetime of hunting and scavenging, you stuck-up snob.


Anonymous said...

Coyote with a stylist and a blow dryer.

Bet this asshole didn't even tip.

Funny in My Mind said...

Great post! He so has that snooty look! I have never even heard of him. He is a pretty one.

Sugarbaby said...

I'm so appalled by this stuck up fuck's expression of self-righteousness I'm going to stop fantasizing about petting his soft ears..right... now.
Okay, now.

Unknown said...

So regal. So stoic. So lion-like...

Do you think you're Aslan, Tibetan Fox?


Adrian said...

I are Serious Fox.
This is Serious Thread.

Gojiro said...

Usually, this blog cracks me up. Today, though, it kind of freaks me out. What is it with that fox? It's like someone Photoshopped human eyes onto it. I'm going to have nightmares about this fucking thing.

Doublebanker said...

He probably is better than me...doesn't take much!

Daily Gif Blog


ren said...

stop looking down your nose at me, fox. do you not realize your head is too big for your body? or is that just what happens when your ego swells to a ridiculous size?

Joan of Argghh! said...

You can just tell that he doesn't pay his taxes. Laws are for the little people.

Sorry, fox. No Cabinet appointment for you!


Jessica Mooney said...

Tibetan Fox I have never wanted to bitch slap anyone more than I want to bitch slap you, asshole. You may think you're the Dalai Lama, Fox, but you're not, you're the Dalai Douche! Get a job!

david c said...

look down your nose at somebody else, fox. and i mean it.

Will Niccolls said...

Big headed freak. Reminds me of Nancy Reagan, walking around with a big ole bobble-head.


Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
adam k. said...


dcgrrl said...

I'll bet his name is Blaine.

C. said...

Okay, I'm sorry this is off-topic, but any followers of CuteOverload, PLEASE read this:

Normally I wouldn't bother doing this kind of thing, but two of my (polite and objective) comments on this matter were censored by CO's mods - they are not allowing any discussion of any kind related to this topic, and I think that's very wrong, not to mention suspicious.

That Girl said...

lmao omg looks like a wolf was photoshopped onto a cat.

Michael Lagace said...

The fox says, "Oh just great, ANOTHER one of you two-legged twits wants a picture of me. Fiiine, go ahead."

Like you're doing US a favour, fox.

Pompous jackass.

Kurt said...

Stupid smug fox! He looks like his security guards are escorting me out of the building.

Unknown said...

it's the gwyneth paltrow of foxes.

JackCoke said...

What a sneering dickbag you are. Your eyes are too high up on your head, you asshole.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I get it, fox. You're Brian from "Family Guy." Right. Very clever.

Fucking cosplayers.

booboo said...

What kinda douchebag animal wears mutten chop whiskers.

That Tibetan Fox mut think he's going to land a part in A Christmas Carole. Maybe playing Bob Cratchit.

Ha Ha on you, Tibetan Muttonchops. You can't count money.

DH said...

I had my doubts about reincarnation until I saw that Martin Van Buren had returned.

margeauxmargeaux said...

I'm actually speechless

get in here said...

Say what you like. I've fucked it.

celine said...

You had me at "How's your ivory tower, Tibetan Fox?"

uniqueannick said...

I appreciate this post...great one! I like that you mentioned lacrosse players because they can be big douche-bags..I know I played in College...male lax players are the does it well

Unknown said...

"like the asshole boyfriend of the girl the main guy wants in an 80s movie"

Ha, perfect - cf Stalin guy in Better Off Dead.

Nicole oh-so Lovely said...



Anonymous said...

Wow, that is a big headed foxie!

boldaslove said...

this website is awesome. Love the eighties film reference.

Anonymous said...

I didnt even have to read what you said about him, I felt the smugness. Pictures speak a thousand words, but this one doesn't need to say one... disgusting

Unknown said...

Sir, you are a cunt of the highest order!

Anonymous said...

He's just mad he didn't get that role in the Narnia Movie.

Johnny Virgil said...

He looks like Alan Rickman.

capebreton902 said...

Ya well, give 'im a break. The chinese are introducing chinese foxes into his territory. He's got that look on his face cause he knows they want to take over the power-places in Tibet and dominate the world!

Colleen said...


Superimposed head. His real head most likely looks something like this:

J said...

Dear Tibetan Fox,

You probably studied at an Ivy League school before going back to Tibet and being a pretentious prick of a Fox because you were educated in the West.

We. Hate. You.


Dr. No said...

Hey Fox, the University of Lhasa called. You're fired. Your research concerning rodent chasing is unpublishable and students are complaining about how all you do in class is show "Call of the Wild" every day...I hear the local high school is hiring...

Eric said...

This is what happens when cats and coyotes get it on.

WR said...

Of course he looks arrogant. He's a poser. He desperate to take attention off his rotten mouse breath!

Plus I have it on good authority that his best friend is an Armadillo. How sick is that.

Anonymous said...

He looks like Charles Emerson Winchester III on M*A*S*H, the pompous arse!

blasianFMA said...

You're right man! He's such an asshole! He rides around in his yacht while I have to work a minimum wage job and drive a pinto.

Jennifer Worick said...

He's the James Spader of mammals! Check out my blog at This blog has been my inspiration.

Alison said...

That was greatness. A square face? Awesome!

Sludgequack said...

aww, good farquing Christ, I'm almost as pissed off at the asshole as I am at... know what--MOST animals are dicks out to egt us. Anmd as a good Christian woman (who's actually an atheist man[go figure, dickhole]), I'm afraid I've said too much already.

mediainn said...

It's genetic. The Tibetan Fox's karotype is made up of 36 chromosomes. This one probably has 37.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

As an insider, I can reveal that he insisted on some photoshopping before the release of this image from a recent shoot.

Anonymous said...

I'm one for slapping foxes. Let me at 'em.

ChicBrokeConfused said...

I bet this world-class douche asked for government bailout money.

Jennifer G. Horn said...

This truly is the James Spader, circa 1989, of rare animals. Nice call.

Allgaul said...

This shit ain't right. No square heads on foxes. No socks on fox, no fox in a box, no fox who's head LOOKS like a box.
Happy Dr. Seuss's Birthday you fucking fox. And no cake for you, either.

Spike Vicious said...

There are few pictures of this guy but they're all smug looking! Awesome! Oh, I mean... terrible. Yes.

Aidan said...

Ugh, what a stupid fox! I bet it's gay and has never told it's mother... nice blog by the way :)

Anonymous said...

is it lonely way up there on your pedistal, tibetan fox?

Bill Shaw said...

smug douchebag...I'll bet his ladyfriend has fake boobs, too.

Anonymous said...

Oh really fox? Yeah? You think you can just sit there and look at me with that deadpan expression? Who told you that was alright?!?! Why I oughtta..........wait, you want to snuggle?! must not......succumb.......dammit!

Unknown said...

The Prince Charles of Canidae-- he even provokes me to showy, soporific remarks. Fuck off, Tibetan fox!

Trish said...

I am speechless. That is one ridiculous excuse for a canine. It looks like some British talk show announcer, and if it spoke, I can almost guarantee it would sound like Austin Powers...

kingstreetfarm said...

I believe that's the same look one acquires at Hahhvahhhd.

5holeSAVE said...

Sanctimonious fuzzy little fuck. Bet he's married to a girl who doesn't wear undies.

Kristen Mance Borden said...

So foxy

Elisabeth said...

he worked on Gwyneth Paltrow's website...

kilgore said...

"Have you ever seen such a holier-than-thou fucking look on a non-dolphin before?" no.

also, i think you should make "it's all good" the subject of a post. she's got cake all over her face for crying out loud! and it's like, bright aqua. as if we weren't suffering enough here already... just a suggestion.

1NJBastard said...

yeah...looks stuck-up to me. Probably hangs out in Warren, or Hunterdon County, going thru millionaire's trash.

JustMe said...

This just about made me piss myself. Awesome post.

Brian Brotarlo said...

Watch out, that guy's Chinese KGB.

Kristen Mance Borden said...

I'm taliking FOXY

renee said...

Andrew McCarthy looking motherfucker.

BeckEye said...

Hilarious. He is the Zabka of the animal kingdom.

Unknown said...

A beg to differ...he is Tibetan. The ole boy is merely showing an expression of deep Zen serenity.

Phat Mama said...

Fuck the fox, holy shit you have a lot of followers & I'm mad envious!

Unknown said...

even the BBC wants to know why this jerk has such a square head:

Lyssa243 said...

Gawd, just look at that frozen fuckin' smile. I bet if he even tried to crack his lips into something resembling a friendly grin his whole goddamn damn face would shatter like a little teacup that I wanna snuggle and pet when nobody is looking...

nltisme said...

You arrogant futher-mucker....go to hell!

Kristen Mance Borden said...

I bet he has rat breath

Luke O'Neil said...

haha. what a poncey looking douche. ON THE LIST

Anonymous said...

Damn what a stud.

-Wave- said...

I like to leave comments about 6 months after an original post....just cause I'm snooty like the Tibetan Fox...

What I really want to tell that pompous bastard is the fact that he doesn't really look any better than an actor with bad make up from The Island of Dr. Moreau (Marlon Brando/Val Kilmer version not Burt Lancaster/Michael York).

El Jefe said...

Is this the Tibetan Fox, or the French Fox???

sarahso said...

I'm sure this fucking James Spader fox has a coke habit, too. He has the glare of someone high on the booger sugar.

Rico said...

All he needs now is a sweater vest and a Toyota Prius in the background.

Pete Morris said...

how many prep schools do you think this thing got thrown out of?

HoboSimian said...

Yeah, foxes DO know what they've done. THIS one needs a slap anyway though because he thinks he was ENTITLED! Penny loafer, pastel sweater tied over the shoulders, white jean-wearing, remorseless puke. Who does he think he is? PRINCE Chuck Norris?

Anonymous said...

"like the asshole boyfriend of the girl the main guy wants in an 80s movie" --JAMES SPADER, anyone?!

kitty said...

I bet he drinks tea and wear shoes with pennies in them and quotes obscure authors like everyone knows who he is talking about. Asshole

sandy said...

This blog is hilarious, love it!!

j'adore JAMILLA said...

i saw this post and i started crying from laughing so hard...hahahahaha his square face! i love this blog!!!!!

Yaya said...

where's your monocle hunh fox? yes i did look that up on the internet. so what? you ever hear the one about the Aristocrats?

Roshani said...

Royal expression...

Musicalviolin said...

What a douche! I bet he's never worked or volunteered for once in his life! Go and fuck yourself.

Petter said...

omg what a total fucking douchebag fox

koti hu said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Gregg Rosenzweig said...

I'm shocked he even allowed himself to be photographed. Generally, such trivialities are way beneath this animal.

Booster said...

His name should be moof. What a douchebag.

Jason said...

...look at him, silently judging us. Hey FOX! You got sumthin' you wanna say?!? I've seen WAY cuter animals than you on CONVERTER BOX TV. Whaddya think of THAT, you sanctimonious prick?

The Tibetan Fox said...

Fuck all ya'll.

The Wang said...

Oh, thank you Sesli Chat for sharing! I'm in the midst of wedding planning, Camfrog 18 Odalar and both my fiance and I are NOT cake lovers, and can't imagine spending hundreds of dollars on one dessert we don't even like! Forum Sayfasi | Video Sayfasi | Site Map We're planning on doing a buffet of family recipes Sohbet Ruleti, Chat Ruleti pies, cookies, cheesecake, etc - and some of our favorite candies in apothecary jars :) I love to see that
others are thinking out of the [cake] box, too!

Unknown said...

...The John Housman of the animal Kingdom

SesliKelime said...


Unknown said...

It gets worse!

I just saw an Attenborough docu where the Tibetan fox followed a bear around. The bear thought they were teaming up on a rabbit hive. So when the bear started digging in one end of the hive, the fox would hang around the other end and eat rabbits. What he couldn't eat he buried for later, never sharing with the bear.

Fuck you, Tibetan Fox.

Hajul Ellah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John Legacy said...

Thanks for sharing, much appreciated and useful post, congrat and keep on track!
Cialis Online

Anonymous said...

This is amazing! I could sit and look through your blog for hours! It's people like you who should be seen on TV, this is fantastic. Funny, artistic and also the light and how the pictures look makes the whole thing even better. I am totally crazy about this, keep it up! :)
London Hotels said...

Is it just me, or does he look like Abe Lincoln?