^^A different kind of terrorist.^^
It's come to my attention (from no one) that people know of quite a few animals that are currently getting away with flaunting their stuff all over town without so much as a "please stop doing that, you are making my heart explode."
If you know of an animal like this,
do not stay quiet. Click the link on the side of this blog.
And please, I know you think your dog/cat/mouse/husband/leftover lasagna is the cutest thing ever, BUT ONLY SERIOUS SUBMISSIONS WILL BE CONSIDERED.
We now return to formerly scheduled programming.
Update: There are two kinds of pictures people send me, links on the internet and personal pictures. I KNOW THE DIFFERENCE (You're not dealing with morons, here). If you have sent me something that is not from the internet, it MUST be something you personally took, and by sending it in, you agree to the following bullshit:
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