Honestly, Pony, I don't know what little girls see in you. You just seem like a donkey that needs a haircut. I have no interest in including you on Fuck You, Penguin - wait. Is that a dog? Is there a dog riding you? ARE YOU THAT FUCKING DESPERATE, PONY.
Fine, here's your goddamned post. But don't come crying to me when that dog expects 50% of the credit.
what a fucking pathetic dog and pony show.
lol lol lol @ the dog mention
And what's with the leg (fetlock?) warmers? Hey, Pony, welcome to the new century!
And what's with that dog's surly disposition? What, riding a pony isn't good enough for him? All those little girls beg and pled to have a chance to ride a pony and this dog can't even enjoy the ride.
aww pony dont fret, im on your side. don't worry i'll write pony poems and pony songs about you.
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