This seal can obviously see I am eating a Fruit Leather at the moment (apple) and expects me to give him some. Honestly, I think this seal must be stupid, because there is no fucking way I am going to give my fruit leather, which I work hard every day to pay for, to a GODDAMNED, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SEAL just because he looks at me with giant droopy eyes when I know damn well all he does all day is lounge around on rocks getting fat. Besides, a. I already finished the fruit leather, and b. he didn't give me any kind of home address where I could send it even if I still had some. So go eat a fish or something, Seal. Stop expecting everyone else to pick up your slack.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Seals are always looking for a handout
This seal can obviously see I am eating a Fruit Leather at the moment (apple) and expects me to give him some. Honestly, I think this seal must be stupid, because there is no fucking way I am going to give my fruit leather, which I work hard every day to pay for, to a GODDAMNED, GOOD-FOR-NOTHING SEAL just because he looks at me with giant droopy eyes when I know damn well all he does all day is lounge around on rocks getting fat. Besides, a. I already finished the fruit leather, and b. he didn't give me any kind of home address where I could send it even if I still had some. So go eat a fish or something, Seal. Stop expecting everyone else to pick up your slack.
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seals are the reason the american dream is dead.
You might be right.
Gosh!!! hahahah
i once watched a video of a seal trying to eat penguins. i'll leave it to you to make sense of the huge impact that may have on your situation here...
this made my morning. thank you :D
Smarten up, FU Penguin. Either, get a button on here to "report as spam" (Don't do it to me though) or find a way to block these weird link hucksters.
I mean, what the hell, Hucksters? Can you actually be real humans who are certifiably commited to spam? Weak, Hucksters, really weak! Tell me how you type in the word verification and get in on EVERY.SINGLE.ENTRY? FUCK YOU, HUCKSTERS!
P.S. Fruit leather? Hilarious food choice!
Thanks for sharing, much appreciated and useful post, congrat and keep on track!
Xenical Online
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