Who do you think you are, Wallaby, a fucking kangaroo? And guess what, asshole, PIGMENT IS NOT OPTIONAL. I don't know what gives you the nerve to hop over here and plop your fat ass down for everyone to see, but you better hop back to whatever pre-existence paint shop you came from and step into the modern day. Marsupials have long utilized everything from light brown to gray, so join the fucking party.
Hey, Wallaby. That's right, don't you dare look at me. You should be ashamed of your fur. Don't you know that Australia is not Antarctica? There's no snow. You don't need white fur! You will get eaten wearing that.
Definitely packin!
Daily Gif Blog
Looks like the love child of an arctic fox, a sheep, and Ron Jeremy, all of which are perversions in their own right.
Lol, those balls are huge...
Listen, Wallaby. Clothing can be expensive and a bit of a hassle; I get it. But for most of us, life is not just one big clothing-optional party. Actually, I'm a little annoyed that we're even having this conversation. Take some responsibility, man.
I am embarassed for you Wallaby. But why should I be? You're the complete asshole who sits around with his sack hanging out. It's beyond disgusting. I fart in your direction!
If your trying to one-up the Pink Dolphin think twice.
Thanks Wallaby - nothing like being immascualted by your big white hairy balls. I will not show my girlfriend your photo as I fear she will be too enthralled by your gigantorballs. Fuck you!
Fuck you, wallaby. I'll bet you're packing more potatoes than meat down there.
I always wondered who or what was the inspiration for AC/DC's "Big Balls."
hey wallaby - mick fleetwood called and said he'd like his balls back. but, props for attempting to recreate the fleetwood mac 'rumors' album cover.
Wallaby, once I stopped staring at your balls, I noticed that you have funky ass ears and fingers. Not fucking cool.
wallaby, you're like the fat girl wearing a low cut shirt to show off her big boobs...
effing sad
I wish I could hop like wallabies get to hop! If I could hop like wallabies get to hop, I would hop over anything that is in my way, and maybe some stuff that is out of my just for fun! I would then hop over to Angelina's and she could ride in my pouch along with her babies and my babies and we would hop-a-long over to the United Nations to do some important business! They have great corn chowder there!
He totally has to buy two plane tickets to accommodate "the twins" and the rump when traveling by air. LAME!
Hey wallaby! Put on some pants so this picture stops date-raping my eyes!
Just be glad we were spared the forked penis...
I believe I just read the term "forked-penis" among the comments, just as I was about to post my own comment.
My brain is now completely distracted by the image of a forked-penis, and thus can not recall the comment I had in mind to make.
Thanks a bunch, crazy forked-penis image provider!
I can't see his penis in there... That seems unfair.
Dear Wallaby,
You're a crime against nature.
Little white dude from Oz has Harbals!
ack -- Wallaballs!!
Oh, for Chrissakes, Wallaby! Get your frothy, pallid, snow-drop balls out of my face!
why don't you just take your balls and go home. fuck you wallaby.
Good God Wallaby! You think your name is so fucking cute and it is! You and your disproportionally huge balls better hop away before some kids see you. You fucking albino pervert!
Hmm... kick or stomp.
Maybe both.
I bet Cruella will shave him :)
Listen little albino guy, it's Friday ~ this is not the sight I needed before heading into the week-end.
Call a medical supply house and get support for that problem.
What, you don't have an opposing thumb or a cell phone? It sucks to be you ~
Mrs. Slug says: All of these nice people are trying to talk to you and offer words of advice Wallaby, and you are just standing there looking sleepy and indifferent. I bet you can sleep sitting up with all of that fine looking ballast.
Thank goodness someone has balls bigger than that wallaby to put him in his place.
Those aren't balls, she's actually giving birth to twins.
I'm not one to usually defend these self-absorbed attention hounds but I have to admit- he does look a little embarrassed by it all (as he should be, I might add!).
Good Sirs and Madams,
For all its good humor, I'm really quite concerned that the content of this vexatious blog will--in some real sense--encourage senseless violence form our youth against these innocent animals...
Just kidding.
"Good Sirs and Madams,
For all its good humor, I'm really quite concerned that the content of this vexatious blog will--in some real sense--encourage senseless violence form our youth against these innocent animals... "
Hey, PETA members not allowed to comment. Bring your spray paint elsewhere madame.
I'm Australian and I've never met and Aussie bloke with balls that big. Regardless of what they tell you. Or brag about.
Has he no pride? I've just done a little bit of sick in my mouth.
One more example of why some animals should be required to wear pants.
Aussie's....wierd creatures!
Oh sorry, that's a Wallaby! Same differnce I guess ;)
Fucking Wallaby! It's no wonder you can't get laid; your whiteass fur is like walking around looking like Martin Short trying to get some, but then you go sporting those huge fuzzy balls - with no pecker mind you - scaring the wallaby poon into thinking they'd be gushed off the earth by your massive reserves of Wallabutter!!!
Fuck you Wallaby.
Wow, what an insolent looking jerk! I hope he doesn't intend on procreating with that oversized set of nuts for the purpose of reproducing more little freaks of nature like himself. That would be cruel both to nature and his offspring. Some creatures have ALOT of nerve. I'm glad there's blog like this that put things in perspective for jerks like him!
i'm gona hafta side with the wallaby on this one...i think the Axolotl just scared the crap out of him.
just putting it out there but thats a chick with a joey in the oven. clearly too hard to figure out for dick heads of sub standard intelligence such as everyone
I just HAD to come back to say this:Don't be fooled, people! He's ignorantly teabaggin' the dormouse!
(Like it's the dormouse's fault the riverbank collapsed under the stupid bush!)
Sumbitch is HUNG!
Graham Cluley, omegle a researcher at security firm Sophos, told BBC News that Twitter needs seslinefes "much tighter control" over what users can put tirtikla in a tweet to prevent similar problems in the future.
He also sesliklas warned users to seslidunya continue to be on their guard, as once superonlinesesli an exploit had been found seslimekan there would be a raft arifcorlu of hackers looking for new Xat ones or ways to circumvent the patch.
"We've birsesver seen it in the past," he said. "When Twitter says they have fixed a flaw, we see a new exploit again and again."
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