I went all the way to Tasmania to meet a Tasmanian devil I met online because I thought he was going to be super awesome. But instead of seeing the guy who was in the picture he had posted, I got this small dog-looking marsupial. Quite frankly, I was pretty disappointed, because if an animal is going to take the time to get to know me online, the least they can do is be honest with me.
So fuck you, Tasmanian Devil. Don't give me that "I know I was lying to you but look how hard I'm trying now" look, because I'm going to need a formal apology, AND IT BETTER NOT COME IN THE FORM OF YOU USING YOUR WHISKERS TO DETECT PREY IN THE DARK. I know all of your tricks, Tasmanian Devil. Your reign of terror is over.
Yeah fuck you Tasmanian Devil. You'll be the devil of me yet! :)
You know who is the REAL Devil?
My mother-in-law.
What's up with looking like you have four ears, tasmanian devil? That's fucked up, even for a creature from hell.
You know these poor little buggers are all dying of Devil Facial Tumour Disease - go here and help if you can - http://www.tassiedevil.com.au/
It's put a fake head on that picture. You can see the white join mark.
You're not the first to be fooled. That necklace was expensive, Tasmanian Devil.
I love you, Fuckyoupenguin. ;D
You don't even spin real fast or eat holes in trees or anything, Tasmanian Devil. You're pretty much an asshole.
I made a vitally important mashup of Fuck You Penguin and Look At This Fucking Hipster. I commend it to your attention.
And did he also make that awful sound that they can produce?
And what's with your maniacal drum playing? Oh wait...that's Animal from the muppets.
Nevermind. Carry on.
:D Best one you've done in a while.
I think he's cute...you can send him my way since you're not interested!
Yes, yes, we all know the image of the Tasmanian Devil as an aggressive manly beast, but as FUP points out the truth is 180 degrees from this. They are in fact insatiable bottoms, never happier than when they are on their knees about to try on a pearl necklace. Look at this one saying "give it to me stud". It's disgusting and i think something should be done about it.
Hahahahaha! Brilliant!
Did you get one " I went all the way to Tasmania to meet a Tasmanian ..." T-shirts?
That really really looks like the jumbo-rats that run around in my hood(daytime).
Glad you made it back safe.
Yeah...FU TD!!! I grew up watching you in cartoons. Then when I saw you in real life...you're a fucking dog with a strange-shaped head.
I hate you TD...HATE!! You don't spin around and make that funny sound or nothin. FUCK YOU!!!!
Don't let his size fool you, Tasmanian devils are badass. They will fuck your shit up.
Taz growls snarkily at the humans viewing him virtually. "Fuck you human plague, I'm too busy going extinct in hopes to meet up with my marsupial buddy Thylacine to bother with your species' twisted sense of what I am. Fucking enjoy the Earth without me, and may your existence be as two dimensional as your perception of my kind."
The same damn thing happened to me with a wombat!! So lame....
Fuck you Australian marsupials, you all suck!!!
Did you ever wonder why they keep you on one island Tasmanian Devil? To keep you away from the rest of the world! You're a very bad animal, Devil. Very bad.
And why do you got to be so stuck up? That whole "looking down your nose" at somebody thing doesn't work when you barely come up to their ankles. Fuck you Tasmanian Devil.
Nobody likes a short dick.
Tasmanian Devil: Mainly feeds on naive masseuses, met on the internet, as they're trying to pull their floded massage table down into it's burrow.
A few hundred years ago the Tasmanian Devil was actually quite docile, feeding mostly on twigs and berries...
...Years of sexual abuse at the hands of castaway British scum, turned them mean.
And you know what else? It's Earth Day. The least this freak could have done is respect the inherent worth of all living things and shown you the respect you deserve, FUP.
So typical of the Tasmanian Devil. Trying to trick honest people. little motherfucker. www.johnincharge.blogspot.com
Dear Tasmanian Devil,
You give all those other Tasmanian Devils a bad name.
For shame.
Okay, FUP... exactly which internet dating service did you use?
you don't look anything like the tattoo on my ankle tasmanian devil. i always knew you were a complete and utter fraud. now kindly tuck in your snaggle tooth. that's jewel's trademark.
Lying bastard. I bet his internet dating profile said he was single too. LIES! He's married and has 4216 kids.
Oh, man. Your site is hilarious.
Same thing happened to me but it ended well: it was the Tasmanian Devil from "Looney Tunes," and he's just adorable.
Fuck you Tasmanian Devil go stick your head in your pouch and hide
Put this little 2-bit loser into a blender and turn it up to 11. THEN maybe he'd look a little bit like those bullshit lying cartoons say he looks.
Fuck you Tasmanian Devil for never coming out to let me see you at the Zoo.
This is hilarious! You've got me all in stitches.
Should be called Tasmanian Puppy.
I found this page accidentally whilest googling "Fuck Tasmania". I think the blanket approach "Fark the whole Island" covers anything you might have missed, flora and fauna inclusive.
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