::Looks at wombat.::
::Looks at sign.::
::Looks back at wombat.::
::Looks back at sign.::
Nooooooooooooooo!!! Which one do I believe? I bet I shouldn't listen to you, Wombat, you fucking sneaky bastard. You probably think just because you look like you want to come hang out and go to a movie and tell me how grateful you are to be out of that pen I'm going to ignore the giant sign right next to you. And yeah, signs have lied to me before. But I know what you wombats are like.
You know what? I'm not even going to let it stress me. All you wombats are the same anyway, bumbling around on stubby legs and burrowing your noses where they don't belong. Fuck you, Wombat, I'm taking my chances with the sign.
Good call. The sign even has bite marks. Steer clear of the wombat. Sneaky, sneaky bastard.
It's the use of the word "may" - as in they are *allowed* to.
The sign isn't a warning, it's a prediction.
Wombat has some bad-ass claws. I always say, "Never cuddle with animals that could claw you to death."
BZA, I love you for using the zombies sign in there. You have made my morning.
Zombies ahead?! Haha!
I think you should believe this sign though. That wombat looks about ready to pounce.
Do it, that wombat totally wants to hang out.
Wombat needs a mani-pedi before I do any cuddle time....
and yet, those imploring eyes, that wistful smile . . .
I don't believe it. How could something so cute bite? I think wombats have good PR guys. I mean, really, doesn't that sign just make you more interested in wombats? Wombats are not immune to this recession!
Bite? Never! Just come a little closer...
They can make funny noises....
This website is being featured on Five Star Friday!
That sign begs one question in my mind: Just how close are they allowing people to get to those wombats?
Wombats will bite the shit out of you. Go with the sign.
I say: bite the wombat before the wombat bites you.
I tried biting a wombat once. ONCE.
Those pleading eyes and long lashes don't fool me!
I just stumbled on your site and love it.
Cute but evil!
Are all critters from Tasmania f'ing weird or what? It is some small (very tiny small) comfort that those fuckers eat plants and that the claws are for digging. They weigh up to 77 pounds. Dunno, could be a good cuddle but I think I'll pass!
If you can't handle a wombat, how do you expect to play wom?
And why is the wombat imprisoned anyway? Ask yourself if there's a history of incarceration for violent offenses.
The sign doesn't lie. I was bitten by a wombat when I worked at a zoo.
yeah something in that bugger's eyes tell me he's just a little too content waiting.. good call.
Wombat So Fat, what are you even doing out in daylight? Aren't you nocturnal? Are you trying to fool EVERYONE, including those know-it-all scientists? You really are a sneaky bastard.
Wombat = Speed Bump.
caution zombies ahead and they may bite too
That sign must be misleading.. Clearly, right?.
Wombats have square poop. I never trust anything that can do that
I dated that Wombat once and yes, he was a considerate lover but damn was he a bastard went it came to seeing my family.
A wombat bit me, Sept 1997. True story. I'm not sure I have ever recovered.
That wombat looks legit. I say cuddle the bastard until it learns to take it.
the lack of real fence-type materials makes one wonder where the sign telling you to "run fast" has gotten to...
They do bite, I've experienced it - they then quickly burrow away to avoid being held accountable.
*shakes fist*
I think you are gonna be safer with me.
I've actually been bitten by a wombat before and it f-ing hurts! Now I always trust signs over cuddly animals.
You can't trust the wombat because it's from Australia and, as anyone who has ever read or seen 'The Princess Bride' knows, Australia is populated entirely by criminals. Mind you, that could also mean that whoever made the sign was lying. You'd really need to know where the sign was made prior to making an informed decision.
A baby wombat bit me once.
Imagine how cute that thing was...
That zombie sign infuriates me. It reminds me of the time I was driving through Utah and saw a sign that said "CAUTION: GIANT CAKE AHEAD DRIVE WITH CARE", well, I got my retractable fork all ready, and 300 miles later, NO CAKE! This leads me to believe that the cake IS, indeed, a lie.
Even success doesn't tame em. TV Star wombat bit people in the eighties. Goes by the name of Fatso. Watch for him- he ruins TV!
not the sign...not the sign....to even remotely trick us wombat you need to chew something 'off camera' or give us 4 wines!
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