Oh my God, Great Dane, what is wrong with you? THIS IS THE WORST ATTEMPT AT TRYING TO WIN MY HEART SINCE THE NOTEBOOK. You are supposed to sit next to something bigger than you that we all recognize, thereby making yourself look impossibly tiny. Why do great danes always do the exact opposite? Dude, you are dominating that kiddie pool. It's basically at the point where I'm starting to find the elephant on the kiddie pool really cute because it looks so small compared to you.
This is just embarrassing. Anyway, is that your tongue, or a sliver of the regulation-sized kickball you are currently engulfing in that Statue of Liberty-sized head of yours? STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT, I'M TRYING TO HELP YOU.
Save your energy. Clearly "Einstein" over there is beyond help.
Dude, it's gonna take you weeks to fill up the pool using just slobber. Try peeing, too.
Haha, great Dane you look so very sexy... NOT!
If that's your idea of a seductive bathtub pose, it's not working for me!
My kickball team lost cause you ate our kickball for this photo. Hope you're Dane
Thank god someone else thought "The Notebook" was douchey.
LOL! Poor thing. It's not a kickball it's a small child.
Do you really expect better for him? Come on, he's a fucking dog for crying out loud! What more need be said?
Maybe a career coach could help.
Which way is this goofball looking? Left? No.
Right? No.
Left AND Right? Maybe.
Oh I know what: he's looking WRONG. Get some glasses, big nose.
I don't see any signs of a swimsuit, that's SICK!
I grew up with a great dane, I know the game they play!!!
great danes are way to big and uncuddly.
Yes, but that thing licking that kitten was cute...I mean the kitten was cute....sorta....
I was reading this and nodding and nodding until I got to the part about kickball. Because it's been about a decade since I last considered kickball, and so about a decade's worth of happy thoughts about kickball suddenly rushed up and overwhelmed me, and then I thought, what about four square? Yet another topic that has not crossed my mind in a good ten years or perhaps even more. Crazy, right? But my point is: that tongue looks like a four square ball even more than a kickball.
Also, that elephant deserves a post of its own.
OMG, I totally fell off the wagon. Even his slobber is cute.
I thought I was funny......
I have three words for you.
Yeah. So cute until they take a dump on your front lawn.
Kids, who let the dog piss in the kitty litter tray again?
I have three words for you.
Well, as these cartoons show, Marmaduke's cuteness is not to be trifled with.
what's so great about this dane anyway? other than the fact that he's better than cook.
He is clearly needy and neurotic. Back off Great Dane! We don't need or want your type in our suburb!
This is nothing shy of brilliant, and Bossy should know.
I am praying real hard right now Ewok or whatever your called that the snow covered mountain behind you lets loose an avalanche and you wake up a popsicle.
You know who else was a great Dane? Hamlet. And look what happened to him!
Don't let that face fool you, that bastard knows exactly what he's done.
There's a reason they call them "puppy-dog eyes," great dane...it's because they don't work once you get past a certain age, to say nothing of a certain size.
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