Hey asshole, the only thing curly on you should be your tail. GET BACK IN LINE, PIG. I didn't even realize pigs had hair until I saw your ratty ass. Do all pigs have long hair and they just shave every day? What if pre-weight-loss Seth Rogen over here convinces all of the rest of them to grow it out and start styling it in new hip ways? THIS COULD BE A PIG-RELATED DISASTER ON A SCALE NOT SEEN SINCE I READ CHARLOTTE'S WEB.
I'm here to tell you that I'm not scared of you, Mangalitsa Pig. I see you brought your little buddy along with you to intimidate me, but I don't even care. I could take both of you. Let's go, right here on the internet! **Mangalitsa**, shit. I bet you don't even roll around in the mud 'cause it's beneath you. You know what, forget it, you'd probably just make some witty observation and trot off.
Everything is better with BACON!
I eat these things, their meat is mighty fine
Soup just came out my nose--hilarious!
That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen. See you at breakfast mother fucker!
Looks like an English Magistrate with a curly wig on - and you know how WE feel about "the Law"
Hog killin' is done in cool weather, show off all you want to now asshole....I'll see you this fall.
Mangalitsa is great at breakfast!
I've heard of a wolf in sheep's clothing, but a pig????
What the fuck is that?!? Seriously, if I find that thing's short and curlies in my bacon tomorrow morning, I'm gonna throw a shit fit.
holy shit, can i make yarn outta that 'fur'? i'd love to knit some pig socks.
I like the one standing ominously in the background.
What the hell is that thing? Is armageddon near?
Had the Rabbi just showed me this picture, instead of that boring class, I might not be going to hell.
Get some laser pig. Then we can talk.
Well, look at the pot calling the kettle black!!!!!
"you'd probably just make some witty observation and trot off."
I'd tell ya FUP, or BZA, or "Matthew" or whatever your name is, IT IS NOT A CRIME TO HAVE CURLY HAIR.
And if he doesn't roll around in the mud it is out of respect towards his life partner(s). Do you understand the level of STENCH that would overtake the pen if that mud were left to dry and ferment in the folds of his skin and fur-encased body??? No, clearly you do not. For you are typing this from the comfort of the indoors.
Some perspective here, please.
I will wash my dishes with you , you brillo skinned asshole
Mangalitsa--are you trying to be retro-chic with that 70's fro? It makes you look like the Richard Simmons of the pig world. Knit yourself a leotard with that fucking hair, and just get over yourself.
Hey, Mangalitsa--Halloween is still a little over two months away. Put the Miss Piggy costume back in the fuckin' attic until then.
The '60s are over, hippie pig. Go get a haircut and a real job!
This is what happens then pigs get into the sheep pen.
For god's sake Farmer, get the fences fixed!!
This aint a 70's porn flick, dumbass! Manscape that shit. And tell your friend back there that he's a Samuel L. Jackson-looking motherfucker.
Both ya'll looking like Sandford & Son in the pig sty. And look at Grady wondering around in the background.
Nice perm dip-shit.
There they are, sitting there waiting to die, and they don't even know it.
That sucks.
As perverse Lady Luck would have it - I feel sorry for the Mangalitsa. This guy is the Glitteratti of the porcine world. It's painfully pathetic that this is the best the species could come up with - and they forgot the gold chain, beer and chips. It's so Tom Jones- retro doesn't get worse than this pig! OMG - a nightmare walking on four little fat legs...
That a hairy pig...
He's not just a client of 'Hair Club for Pigs', he's the fucking owner!
Is it wearing one of those old-timey George Washington wigs? Damn.
Hey piggy can I have my merkin back?
Hey FUP - did you put someone up to this?
Mangalitsa, stop being such a ham!
LOL the Mangalitsa is Hungarian. And very tasty tehehehehe
someone get that shig a medallion and a shirt to button up halfway.
and some flares.
"And tell your friend back there that he's a Samuel L. Jackson-looking motherfucker. "
He'd have to be one motherfucking charming pig to compensate for that haircut.
That's just too scary to look at without a couple of cocktails and it's only 10:30 in the morning.
Yeah, and those aren't ears, FurryPig, they're sunshades. You're clearly not designed to be out in the open. Go back into a dark cave and stay there.
He's just a wannabe sheep... duh.
He's trying to copy Gene Wilder's hairdo. That's fucked. www.hiphophippie.com
Hey, "Mange," yo' mama fucked Chewbacca.
See what happens when you let Wall Street bankers date French women?
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