This nudibranch apparently thinks it's the cutest thing on the block just because it's the neon equivalent of a drama kid. Prancing around the ocean like you have a spine doesn't mean you should pose jazz-hands style like you're in a college production of Fame, asshole.
Talk about cheesy. Was this the nudibranch's headshot for auditions? I've got news for you, Nudibranch, no one is looking for an overenthusiastic mollusk to take Broadway by storm. I hope you're good at pouring coffee, because I see a bright future for you in table-waiting.
I seriously thought that this was some kind of porcelain figurine from hell.
and, come on - Nudibranch? obviously a stage name.
or porn name perhaps? Maybe this IS his backup plan!
Sick! You sick, sick person!!
Look at that smile! Look at it!!
Tell me that is not the most innocent, fun-loving creature this side of Atlantis!
How dare you corrupt his youthful attempt at sea swagger and self expression with preposterous assumptions of famewhoredom. Pfffffff
This is more ridiculous than that dinner scene in Birdcage, all of it!
i don't believe of his existence
We all know what you do with those feathers on your back. You're not hiding anything.
What the hell are you???
Somewhere a SpongeBob SquarePants episode is missing a character...
This is possibly my favorite post ever. This horrible creature almost made me cry.
Wow before I saw this picture i didn't know I had a gaydare...
Is that thing even real? :-O
WTF is that? An ink blot with color?
nudibranch: (Life Sciences & Allied Applications / Animals) any marine gastropod of the order Nudibranchia, characterized by a shell-less, often beautifully coloured, body bearing external gills and other appendages Also called sea slug
[from nudi- + branche, from Latin branchia gills]
Don't hate, Nudibranch be totally pimpin' yo! He got so much swagga, it breaks my heart. All he needs now is a tiny purple cane to keep his bitches in line with.
lol @ last comment :D
Typical. Back in school, you were just "Sea slug," now it's "Call me Miss Nudibranch." La di da!
How'd the Nudibranch get hurt in all this? He's just swimming around in jaunty sea cap with feathers, minding his own business, sporting a big old cheesy purple grin and you have to hate on that? Shame on you.
On a positive note, you could have mentioned the darling hat...but no, you continue your negative ways!
Nudibranch, I question what do you have to smile about? They drank your best friends in a Smoothie last week on Survivor.
That's a mollusk?! I thought it was a mushroom or something...
They are great on a cracker with a smidgen of brie if you can catch the little fuckers!
I think it looks like a scallop in an Easter bonnet.
Ahh, I think there was LSD in my sandwhich.
A sea slug that works as a waiter and leaves sea slime on the coffee cup...pretty damned disgusting.
Now listen up people - no. one. hires. the. Nudibranch. (no matter how brightly colored it is!) And where is his damned shell? No doubt, in the coffee.....
Do you realize the DEPTH of your awesomeness???!!! I truly love you.
E-freakin'-gad, Pokemon are real!
Who the fuck knew?
Don't they serve these at Red Lobster?
That's a weird lookin' animal.
Looks like a gay version of Stitch (from Lilo & Stitch)
For more of these fabulous nudibranchs go to http://bouphonia.blogspot.com/search/label/nudibranchs.
Every Friday the author publishes a new photo.
Mike's right. That has totally got to be a Pokemon that escaped from it's videogame & is trying to pull one over on everybody by pretending it is a real animal.
Somebody find the Pokeball, quick.
Okay, I'm confused . . . all I see is a pumpkin wearing a hat with feathers on that is reading from a script.(?) Some kind of homage to Halloween?
My eyes hurt from trying to find its focal point. Ah, fuck it - I hate it for existing regardless of being able to articulate exactly why.
On a side note, I found my verification word very amusing -
Hmmm . . . I like the "double D" + "co-ed" angle.
I knew you were going to say Jazz Hands. I just KNEW IT!!
Tell me that is not the most innocent, fun-loving creature this side of Atlantis! Work From Home
SeaSlug SquareSmile
Matt, are you OK? Haven't seena new post since Friday 10/30. NEED MORE!
Best Regards, JLR
As Peter Sarstedt sang, "Where do you go to, my lovely?"
I think it's adorable.
Sometimes I come here and there is nothing new posted and I wanted to let you know that even when I have read your posts before, even when I know the most recent titles... I still snort out loud when the headline pops up. ALWAYS. All of the headlines. You crack me up.
I doubt Nathan Lane feels threatened
The nudibranch is forcing me to question my sanity. How can I feel maternal toward a worm? It's wrong! Wrong!!
My favorite creature of all time finally made it to FUP. Greatest post ever.
Just came across your blog- hilARIOUS.
looks like a freekin' pokemon...what is his special power?? Cuteness? And how can some kind of wierd sea creature be cute?!?
Holy Shit...I just spent a ridiculous amount of time laughing to TEARS in the middle of Barnes & Noble. Funniest stuff I've read, seen, heard in a looong time. You are my new hero, man. Prairie Dogs...
What is an ocean creature whose bright colors and shell-less form has yet to earn a PBS Sunday Morning Cartoon?
you even post cute nudibranches! i think i love you, you mean bastard!
That is the best nudibranch pic I have ever seen. No really, I used to study them, it's awesome.
A Tonka Tooth Toy?
Cool mollusk. Can you eat it?
i'm in love with a mollusk.
If only its giant mouth curved down.
...Do you really hate animals? Or just like making fun of them?
that thing is creepy as fuck. i feel like i shuold spread it on toast, but i don't wanna get anywhere near it. eek!
That animal is f'd up. It looks like God dropped acid before he created it.
What does it think it is? A fuckin pokemon? Nudibranch? Really?
Oh that's awesome, you used my suggestion! Isn't he the cutest damn thing you've ever seen? Fuck.
I sigh long wistful sighs in bitter sadness that the bearshark was never covered. Alas, this hipster literary prowess lives to swim/traipse another day.
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Have you ever wanted to see what the AIDS virus would look like if it was living? Well, here you go. That som-omma-bitch (son-of-a-bitch) is attempting to sneak on by passively by trying to perpetrate as HIV. Well we know what you are you fucking bastard! Unfortunately for you, you cannot live outside a host for too long so your sinister, gleeful, lying days are numbered. You better find a dog to hide in for a while because you WILL NOT multiply inside a human anytime soon. We're all hip to your ways. You think you're a charmer, but you're really just a homo who hasn't come to terms with its true-self. Look in the mirror AIDS (can that be the new pejorative? C'mon guys let's make it happen... like, "Yo, man! You be all like AIDS man!") and not like Robert DeNiro, but really look and see if you don't hate yourself a little bit. Now put a fork in it, cuz you're done. Your punishment is roshambo, only you're the one that gets kicked by the world (do you even have balls?).
Have you ever wanted to see what the AIDS virus would look like if it was living? Well, here you go. That som-omma-bitch (son-of-a-bitch) is attempting to sneak on by passively by trying to perpetrate as HIV. Well we know what you are you fucking bastard! Unfortunately for you, you cannot live outside a host for too long so your sinister, gleeful, lying days are numbered. You better find a dog to hide in for a while because you WILL NOT multiply inside a human anytime soon. We're all hip to your ways. You think you're a charmer, but you're really just a homo who hasn't come to terms with its true-self. Look in the mirror AIDS (can that be the new pejorative? C'mon guys let's make it happen... like, "Yo, man! You be all like AIDS man!") and not like Robert DeNiro, but really look and see if you don't hate yourself a little bit. Now put a fork in it, cuz you're done. Your punishment is roshambo, only you're the one that gets kicked by the world (do you even have balls?).
Well said.
I think this adorable little creature has a big future ... with some wasabi, a little pickled ginger, a touch of soy sauce ... om, nom, nom.
That thing looks like a nintendo character wtf!!!! lol
This crazy species blog is the shit
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