Apparently this photo has been floating around the internet for some time, presumably under the assumption that Fuck You, Penguin would rise to internet dominance and come looking for the anteater. Well, this douchebag's suspicions were dead on, because clearly he thinks he's making heads turn. I mean, seriously, Anteater, what's with the pose? Are you in a sports montage? Or are you mid-clap in an (undoubtedly lame) rendition of "Hey Jude"? You know what, who gives a shit? At least I pick food that doesn't involve sticking my tongue into the ground, you dirty son of a bitch.
Fuck me, anteater? No no, FUCK YOU.
Oh, you think your blog is sooooo funny, don't you? You think it's superfuckingfunny when I blow coffee out of my nose, don't you? Well fuck you Fuck You Penguin! Fuck you in your righteous asshole act. If you dont knock it the fuck off, like, RIGHT NOW, I'll be forced to subscribe. Fuck!
Best. Blog. Ever.
your blog is so funny, i have been laughing for like half an hour. i need to get back to work! i'm posting about you on my blog today, you are an evil genius!
i love you bza!
Earlier? Earlier I was having a crap, shit filled day. And now? Now I feel like hugging someone.
That looks more like a presumptive anteater to me, unless he's planning on invading some countries because they might possibly pose a future threat, Bush Doctrine-style.
i pray to you at night.
Woah, he wants you to bring it on!
Damn! This is brilliant, rock on
This anteater is Liam Gallagher.
Please unleash your fury on the loris. Poisonous.
go to hell, anteater!
May we join forces? The bitter vitriol spewed by your anti-cute animal vendetta is while wide ranging, spot on... check out mine:
That said, I've been off the wagon for a while and you've inspired me to restart my campaign of unmitigated hatred.
May we join forces? The bitter vitriol spewed by your anti-cute animal vendetta is while wide ranging, spot on... check out mine:
That said, I've been off the wagon for a while and you've inspired me to restart my campaign of unmitigated hatred.
mucho greato heheh
This must be one of the most brilliant things I've seen all year.
You rock.
Have you heard the one about the elephant and the ant eater who are sitting in a hot tub when a space ship full of glowing green aliens shows up?
Actually, I'm fucking you (as you can see in the image). It's a visual pun, alright?!
Great blog, but this "anteater.jpg" picture appears to be bandwidthed out...
It shows this instead:
"Bandwidth Exceeded / Photobucket"
This picture was taken right after he snorted a big pile of ants in his den.
I can almost hear him yelling, "I'm still standing" as the groundhogs and squirrels start shooting him.
Holy shit...this is the funniest...I have a permanent smile on my face!
the "fuck me anteater? no no FUCK YOU!" nearly had me in tears laughing. wonderfully amusing blog!
Looks to me like the anteater is being all "You talkin' ta me?" Frickin' guido anteater.
This shit is great.
Seriously, I have to concur with Skywriter...while you may find it funny, I am not sure the complete loss of control of bodily functions while at work is something I would want on my performance review...well played, bza...as for the tip line, I've got a cat that needs an attitude adjustment...do you charge for your services?
I am hearing, "Is that all you've got? Pussy," ala Sin City. Sounds like a challenge to me!
When are you going to weigh in on those fucking terrorist geese that brought down a plane in New York City? Goddamn Canadians are not to be trusted!
and did you know that giant anteaters can kill a man with their claws? fuck that!
i agree 100% with the_Aitch. today might have blown had i not discovered your blog.
BZA - www.cutethingsfallingasleep.org
for some reason, i imagine this anteater to have a boston accent.
Thanks for sharing, much appreciated and useful post, congrat and keep on track!
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