You have one week to get lost. Then I'm coming for you.
This message will self-destruct in seven days.
NOTE TO PENGUINS: This is not an effective hiding method.
A blog where I tell cute animals what's what.
NEW! Now the book can be your favorite and your favourite. Buy the British version of the book at Amazon!
OMG...awwwww...that is such a cute pic...AHHHHHHH! Fuck! The Penguin got me again! I hope you kill that bastard in 2009.
Yeah penguin! Get on your feet and waddle the fuck out of here!
I'm watching you, you little adorable, wonderful, cuddly asshole.
Let me know when to be scared. Send me a text msg or something.
What the fuck are YOU looking at? You trying to stare me down with them beady little eyes? Ice flo whore!
It got me-the penguin GOT ME!
ps: My word verification is 'dingo'-if only that released the dingos to get this cuteness-overloaded gray and white and black bastard!
Hey, is this a penguin or one of those freakin' Russian nesting dolls. Let's pull him in half to see if there's another fuzzy bundle of cuteness inside him. If not... well... one less penguin in the world! Bwahahahahaaaaa...
That penguin is cuter than hell! I admit it, I have fallen for the penguin!
Bring it on, bastard.
How can you sleep at a time like this?
I admit...I am powerless to creatures with fluff...just another victim like so many others...
fuckin asian penguin!
Fuck you baby penguin.
What makes you think you can just stand there all cuddly and covered with snowflakes? You shameless attention whore. This isn't MySpace, and your little stunt only serves to agitate me further.
You know what baby penguin, just for that I am going to roast you and eat you with a side of panda.
Don't look at me like that. You know you had it coming.
You're going down, penguin. Mark my words.
I just found a treasure trove of potential "Fuck You, Penguin" victims:
OH my freaking lord! All you freaking cute animals can just bite my ass for making me go all jelly like at your cuteness and making want to add you to my photo screen saver at work just to keep me from going insane while I deal with all the bad mommies and daddies who have driven their children to lives of crime... wait. no. I love you.
This beady-eyed critter is packing heat--look at those wings. You don't think he's ready to whip out 2 six-shooters and blast us all to hell? No? Then how come he's squinting as if he's facing us down and the sun's behind us? He's waddling down the middle of Main Street and we should be hiding the women and children. But not until we all stand there and stare at his baby-soft fluffiness, his adorable little pot belly, his incredible cuteness, his absolutely irresist---BLAST (x6)! BLAST (x6)! (And the penguin waddles away to a new town, full of unsuspecting cuteness lovers. Fuck you, penguin!)
What makes you think you're cute as kitten turds, Penguin? The Peter Lorre hairpiece? The Weight Watchers belly? Or maybe that look of delusional smugness one only gets from proselytizing Scientology? I'll put my hand up your butt and make a windshield mitten.
check out this shit
i'm infuriated
so uh, anonymous blogger, are you single or what?
Will you marry me? I'm cute!
Burgess-Fucking-Meredith you're not!!!
Happy feet, my ass.....
Thought you should see this. Its disconcerting that sloths are stealing getting drunk and stealing women, they must be stopped.
Excelent postagene. Gracias por compartirla con nosotros.
The most fucked-up looking alien I've ever seen and looks like a full retard, too. Fucking retarded alien come to invade us, don't pull any punches people!
This animal is a FRAUD.
It claims to be a bird but does it fly? No, the little liar swims.
And I'm supposed to get weak in the knees when he does his "look at me the cute fuzzy birdy in the snow"? I don't think so.
Penguin, if you are going to claim to be a bird then grow some wings and flap your ass off the snow. And no, those flippers aren't going to cut it, so don't bother flipping little fish fins at me.
Fuck me? Oh no, fuck YOU penguin.
Mockmook, I followed that link and my heart just exploded. I hope you are ashamed of yourself. It will take hours to get this goofy smile off my face...
Taste like frozen chicken
The holidays are the cutest time of all! We'll never make it!!!
Holy shit Mockmook. That baby Aardvark is frightening.
Gawd, I miss that furry little bastard.
Stinking penguin. I have left you something at my blog. Come and get it if you want it.
I'll be waiting for you, motherfucker.
Congratualtions, Penguin. Your genius has been recognized
Best Pet Blog
Boo Casanova
Simba King
Cute Overload
Daisy the Curly Cat
Best in Flock
I Can Has Cheezburger
F*** You, Penguin
It's long overdue, IMHO, considering your years of toil.
FYP, I love you. You are so gonna not only kick the cute fuzzy little FAKE penguin's ass, you HAVE TO kick ICHC's ass in the Weblog Awards this year.
I love 2009 already, just because of this site. Just be careful around those shifty SNL giraffes.
Penguins are assholes and I work in a zoo, so I know. Birds in general, for that matter, are hateful creatures, hellbent on ruining your day with their poop or pecking at you mercilessly. So, yes, fuck you penguin indeed.
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