You know, Wombat, all I do is love you. But is that good enough for you? No, you have to look at wombats in magazines and ask, "Why can't I look like that?" Well, I'm not here to boost your ego, I'm here to have a life with you. SO STOP FISHING FOR COMPLIMENTS, WOMBAT. I'm tired of you pretending like you're not standing there with your cute little fat nose and pudgy legs. And what would I want with a fucking attention whore like that anyway? Sure, I was looking, anyone would look. But seriously, Wombat, you're making a scene. You know what? Don't call me any more.
I could have sworn I has this conversation before....=p
And take your damn wombat porn with you. good riddance to bad wombats.
Go Aussie!
(You know that first one is a possum, right?)
And don't ask me, "Does this outfit make me look fat?" ever again. I just can't take your wombat DRAM-a anymore!
Guess what Wombat, you hairy piece of shit, you're done. Pot belly pigs are "in". Your "cute ship" has sailed, and I wish it was keel hauling you. Get a fuckin' shave, will ya!
Yes Wombat, I do like your friend more than you!
Piece of shit had it coming.
He's probably got that cocky Aussie attitude too!
Wombats raped my third grade teacher.
the wombat looks kinda stoned
Wombats killed my entire famblies.
Wombats killed all Virgins.
A Wombat ate my Dingo!
stop trying to be a damn overgrown guinea pig. IT's NOT WORKING!
Wombats are not that cute....they need to get over themselves!
I used to bullseye Wombats in my T-16 back home...they're not much bigger than 2 meters
Fucking attention whore!
I work with wombats and they are the greatest things, well, ever, really. And they know it. Damn, are they cute. Beautiful animals. Smart as hell. Stubborn. Extremely tenacious. So take them down a peg. Just so they don't get TOO cocky. Wombats don't care cause they have us just where they want us..............
At least he's not slapping you?
Wombats drive drunk and shoplift!
She puts the womb in "wombat".
What a toolbag. You're better off.
But I gotta warn you: Wombat's gonna call and be all, "Baby, I was wrong, we were so good together." You gotta hang right up on that shit. Be strong. We're all here for you
Someone needs to show this to Wombat from CheapAssGamer. Just kidding Wombat, we love you!
You call yourself a bat? You can't even fly, you weak-ass poseur.
Pure genius.
A wombat bit me once. True story. Death to the bastards.
Hey, that link is *not* a baby wombat, you faker! Real wombat's rock and rule -- and babies have no hair to speak of so look rilly ugl-ee! I know -- I was one.
I knew you'd come crawling back...whore. I told you the internet was no place for a Wombat, but oh no, you had to rack up the AMEX on that Wombat-my ass site. Now we have no sofa, no TV and a credit card bill for $10,000! Bitch. I hope you trip on a stick and scuff your pudgy little knees. We used to be so good together...bowling, curling, ice skating, that trip to Saskatchewan in your Dad's '83 LeBaron. Where did it go wrong?!?
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