**A teaching moment on Fuck You, Penguin.**
Bunny, what the hell do you think you are doing? Those people out there are just trying have a nice walk in the woods, and here you are waiting for the perfect moment to pounce on them and tear their insides out, hop by excruciating hop. STOP TRYING TO CAUSE A SPONTANEOUSLY CUTE INCIDENT. Did you think I wouldn't see you? Did you think you could just go around, hiding in the dark corners of the world, working to undermine everything that holds civilized society together? You disgust me, Bunny.
LESSON: Never walk through a garden or a jungle without being aware of the distinct possibility that there could be some ridiculously cute asshole bunny crouched in the shadows, ready to pounce and violate your sacred sense of decency.
What the fuck? I uh...WE uh...Somebody should uh...Don't some kind of homeland security rules apply here? Summabitch Bunny!
What happened to it's front legs? Did Wilford Brimley forget to deliver the diabeetus supplies so they had to be amputated? Or is this a sick joke at the expense of the owner of the Utah Jazz? Fuck you for hating basketball.
I believe this is a Killer Rabbit of Caerbannog as seen in Monty Python and the Holy Grail.
Sensibilities ambushed.
As a side note: my verification word was "beater." Kinda funny. But not as cute as that bunny.
That bunny scares the shit outta me. But then again, if I ever saw it in the woods on my way to granma's house, I'd probably run after it and hug its guts out.
why does it look as though its 'lower region' has been censored?
That bunny dresses like a total whore.
There's something weirdly ethereal about that bunny...maybe we need Jennifer Love Hewitt to convince it to go to the light.
If I saw you sitting there like that with your so called "cuteness" I would stomp you into the ground until all that was left was a bloody spot in the grass. Take that you little slut. What a bitch. I'm nauseatted.
This bunny makes me feel dirty
he's missing a nose and mouth! wtf! back to hell, demon rabbit!
There was a bunny on my back steps when I got home last night. It was dark out.
Now I realize why he was there.
Thanks for tipping us off!
This picture reminds me of a song...
This bullshit bunny probably thinks Bugs was fucking HIGH-larious for getting Daffy shot in the face 50 million times. I got news for you bunny, that shit was NOT funny, and you are NOT cute.
It's Wabbit Season, bitches.
i think that bunny is a fake.....someone planted it
No wonder I'm so fat, my salad tastes like fucking bunny ass!!
Where are the knights that say Ni! I think they have a bunny to kill.
I think I'm being taken in...
Ahhhh, hellp!
I think I'm having trouble with my technology, too!
Seriously... Fuck you, Bunny. How DARE you be so insanely cute?!?!?!
Nothing but love for FUP, I bought a sweatshirt!
I can never eat another chocolate easter bunny again. Thanks.
Please tell me this photo's a fake.
Those front paws are just ridiculous!
Holy crap, that is the cutest bunny I have ever seen in my whole life...
i do not believe in that bunny. i can't, because it would be too frightening. frighteningly cute. hello bunny.
That's not a real bunny - he doesn't look even remotely disapproving.
Could... not... resist... cutewiddlefwuffybunniewunnie...
oh, who's a cute little itty bitty babay bunbun?
And how do I strangle myself with my own bare hands??? Gaaaaaah!!!
Is all that true about chocolate bunnies too?
my bunny kills me with cuteness, all the while nawing whole chunks of wood out of my coffee table when he's not getting attention. Blast them and their cuteness!
I'd like to pet that bunny with the business end of a shotgun.
I bought my girlfriend a bunny once for her birthday and the damn thing bit me while I was putting food it its bowl.
Needless to say I dumped the broad.
Oh my God isn't that the cutest little thin......aaaaaaaaaaaa!!! My decency! My sensibilities! They are being shredded at the mere sight of this bunny....damn it, little dwarf! You will PAY!
*sigh* of relief - the Penguin is back.
I would drop kick that bunny to Mars. Tonight.
Cute little bitch.
I know why those ears are so big. That little bastard is listening for shit he can tell the penguins.
This bunny is begging to become a mitten.
Binicula anyone? Creepy vampire rabbits.
I just found your blog and I love it.
I had bunnies interrupt my driving lesson earlier. Bit difficult to do a 3 point turn when they're hopping across the road.
You know what, Bunny?
You're not so cute. In fact, I think you look like shit. I hate you! Wait...where are you going? I wanted to pet you!!
WTF is up with the HUUUGE glistening eyes, are you fuckin kidding me?
That is one ridiculous bunny.
I've taken craps cuter than that stupid bunny before.
That Bunny is a psychopath! Look at it, just waiting to strike. The bastard!
Smug, fuzzy bastard. And what is with that yooge ostrich eyeball?
You and your buddy hiding behind that green leaf world make great fucking Ugg boots.
You know what would make that bunny cuter?
Two pieces of bread, some mayonnaise and a plate.
Go fuck yourself, you incontinent herbivore. And stop eating your own shit.
Yeah, they do that.
Wikipedia it.
Now how cute is he?
Fuck you, bunny! You don't even look real.
This is the biggest asshole I have ever seen.
Okay. I went to a funeral today and didn't cry. One look at this bunny and I have tears flowing down my face...thanks.
Please tell me this is a Muppet...
Where's your nose, bunny? Screw you.
That is dangerous fucking bunny.
And then they come to your goddamn lawn, treat it like it's a fucking bathroom, leaving goddamn bunny pellets for your dog to eat.
Well you know why, bunny? 'Cuz my dog eats organic treats, made out of bunny. Fuck you, bunny.
I think the penguins know you're onto them.
Don't worry everybody!
Last night I fucked the cute right out of that bunny.
She's a rabbit now.
i took a picture of myself, telling off a penguin. But i couldn't find your contact info. So here is a link to it on my blog.
These wee bastards are all over the city too. I've wasted whole minutes when distracted by the sudden appearance of one of these furry terrorists, and the ensuing, "Oh oh oh!" and "Look, a bunny!" and "Heeeeere, bunny" and "Cute cute cute" and "Wittle bunny snoogums cutie pie!"
Most of all, they have some weird power to that causes you to make a damn fool out of yourself.
They suck.
I have a bunny that lives on my back porch. I named it "Rear Admiral". He has never given me any problems.
Tonight, he dies.
Alright: everyone who has seen Monty Python and the Holy Grail, remember that bunny. Remember that killa!
"We'll not risk another frontal assault. That rabbits dynamite!" . . . "RUN AWAY!"
That bunny is the worst. It's eyes are too freaking big for it's head. Freaky little fluffy bunny. Go roast yourself!
Dude, that not even a real, live, finished bunny. That's, like, some manipulative animal rights/anti-abortion group's poster child of a rabbit fetus, excuse me, an -unborn bunny-. Right after you see that image, they leap out from the bushes and start hurling half-melted chocolate Easter bunnies at your angora sweater and shouting incoherent slogans. Do not be lulled.
Hey, you freaking fuzzy creep. Who do you think you are with your alien eyes? The bunny version of Anne Hathaway or something? I hope you get snubbed at the Oscars.
why the fuck is it so white? Does it roll around in bleach all day? just looking at it makes me sick cause it's so damn cute. no worries though i bet it smells bad.
Dooby-dooby dooo.....
Fucking Bunny. How dare he?! To hell with the Rabbit!
I think my brain exploded, thanks for nothing, bunny!!!!
You just made me spend... 1 minute ...of my fucking life ...LOOKING at your fuzzy, pornographic, fucking pompous lame excuse for a photo!!
He's gonna get us all killed, that's what it is!
Muthafuckn' rabbit...
'thats no ordinary rabbit'
also, id f*k that thing. am i wrong?
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