This is Dennis. Like many other krill, Dennis is simply trying to survive in this world. He is not seeking fame like some crustaceans. He believes in the American dream, that sacred idea that if you work hard, keep your head down, and help other Krill when they are in need, you can get ahead. Both of Dennis's parents were eaten by penguins last year, but because the penguins were being filmed by a bunch of good-for-nothing camera men at the time, Dennis was unable to come to their rescue.
Dennis has never been featured on Cute Overload. They have callously passed over the opportunity to feature krill at all, time and time again. Not because they didn't work hard, or they weren't smart enough, but because they simply didn't look the way Cute Overload thinks they are supposed to look. (Sound familiar?)
Now, Cute Overload (Which I do NOT have RSS'd on my Google Reader) has shamelessly and unapologetically called me out in the quest for Weblog Award gold. THEY ARE MAKING THEIR MOVE PEOPLE. NOW IS THE TIME TO RISE UP AND TAKE WHAT IS RIGHTFULLY OURS. Just look at what one of their commenters heartlessly said about me. ME, PEOPLE. That means they said it about you:
It's a poorly designed blogger site, and most of the images there got posted here loooooooong ago.
WTF!!! Do they think this shit is easy??!! I spent literally minutes on the design of this site!!!
So vote, people. Do not get complacent. Vote until you can vote no longer. And then tell your friends. If you do not do it for me, do it for Dennis. But really, do it for me.
Don't let those Cute Overload people besmirch this blog and the important work it does. They're simply afraid of the revelations that are sure to be made here about the things they mistakenly hold dear.
Enough is enough people - don't take the lead Fuck You, Penguin has for granted! There are multiple plots to undermine this lead and we cannot let it happen. Vote! Vote often (ok, every 24 hours)!!
God, they really are cunts over there, aren't they? I normally wouldn't get involved in some idiot voting thing like this, but if it means undermining people who daren't even write the word 'fuck' for fear of offending themselves or God or the balls of fur and wet eyes they worship, then I'm in. Good luck to you.
I vote every day. For the children. And for Dennis, because krill need love too.
Love you Dennis.
Oh, you're going to walk it. Over 50% so far. Piece of cake. Good. Good for you. I let those cute freaks know what I think too. They really got my gander up. And my goat.
I vote against "cute" just on principal.
This site is amazing. I'm so glad I found you. You have my daily vote.
I voted...for you, and for Dennis.
God...that little krill...such a sad life. If my vote can bring him one ounce of happiness, my life is worth something.
I got your back man, not only did I vote, but I posted on my blog so others can vote!
Plus, I love your blog design, it's simple and sweet, who the hell wants stars and hearts everywhere, soooo naive... =)
For real though keep it up, this is the best!
I vote for you everyday...
i vote everyday (especially after seeing the imaginary puffin and the evil genius beaver - and his tail)!!! you rock (as does dennis)!
What they don't realize is that design does not trump content. I like your content better than fucking Cute Overload. So I'll keep voting!
Okay, not quite as powerful as Sparta, but still.
Fuck you, Cute Overload.
You have simply taken a stand against the shoved in your face cuteness that place feeds off of. They ignore the ugly, such as Dennis. Well, I ask you this. What happens to the pretty, popular kids after high school? Do they move ahead with their lives and accomplish great things? Oh no my friends. It's the less than attractive, nerdy kids that succeed in life. They are the ones that nourish and propel society and technology forward.
C.O. is jealous of the success of individuals such as Dennis. It is a harsh slap of reality in their faces to know that cuteness will only get you so far in life. But intellect and the ability to process reality brings you success.
p.s. My word verification happens to be "menta". So very close to "mensa". There's the evidence of the importance of standing against cuteness.
I voted!
And will continue to vote....
till "fuck" beats "cute".
Even the animals agree.
It's the CONTENT that makes your blogs the best. Fuck Cute Overload, they are losing the Blog Wars big time.
Oh, come on. CU is SO OVAH. I'm voting for Daisy Curl Cat. You guys got enough votes.
Also, thanks for a view to a krill
Jeez, I enjoy Cute Overload but that is - in their parlance - redonkulous.
It looks like CO have fallen into The Trap [tm] - they've started to take themselves seriously. The rot set in after that namecheck on Martha Stewart.
Anyway I've been voting for FUP as often as I can.
i am splitting my votes from now on between you and icanhaz because i don't want co to beat them either.
CO is a daily dose of cute and FYP is the antedote. I can only vote for one, and I think it is time for a change: Fuck You Penguin 4eva!
Still Cute Overload owns my soul.
Any website that uses "freakin" and plucks their design inspiration from a Hello Kitty purse deserves nothing better than bronze.
Get over it, "Cute Overload"...You are mediocre at best.
Done & done®
FUP definitely has a better grasp of the English language! :P
the reason we LOVE you is that you did spent merely minutes on this site.
let us celebrate underachievement and offensively adorable animals.
and where is my "i voted" sticker?
i voted for you and for dennis.
and damn, you guys look good in the polls.
fuck you cute overload, you make me sick.
I have had to replace my keyboard -twice- from the tears flowing from my sad, sad eyes. They are tears of joy, tears of redemption; for I too am a less than seemly creature in the universe of cute.
Yes Dennis, my brother, let us together rise up against the tyranny of the overly attractive!
As for those nauseating and overdressed penguins, I would love nothing more than to see an interspecies special of them in the jaws of a killer whale, or maybe a big shark, even a giant squid. Oh yeah, that would be so cool.
I've been setting my ALARM for the daily vote. Don't worry - you've got some loyal followers here.
We've got your fucking back! ;)
FUP is Change We Can Believe In®™. Got your back man.
CO = L@M3
I LOLed at some of the CO comments, I don't think they can take a joke. FUP > a bunch of moms that own a bunch of cats but know how to use the internet and are apparently therefore "cool".
Oh, the horror.
I check FUP, CO and ICHC, all on a regular basis. However, when it came down to it I voted for CO. I've been watching it longer, I like the posts more (not that I don't find yours funny).
I would have voted for ICHC second, because I've been checking that the longest, infact. However, I was a little disappointed by their book that they released, it just didn't ave the caliber that the site does.
I bought 3 CO calendars (one for me and 2 for others) this year, and I love mine dearly. So I'll continue to support them in their quest for cute, even if it means I'm probably a Nazi.
I just went over to Cute Overload and it made my eyes bleed. That's not a euphemism for crying either, I'm saying actual blood streamed from my eyes. I also lost bowel control, but that may be unrelated. In any event DO NOT go visit Cute Overload. Just trust me, vote for FY,P and save yourself the anguish.
Just voted again and sent to my friends to vote for FUP too. We LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the insanity.
Votin' for you every day -- plus you were officially endorsed at Innocent Bystanders.
I voted again for this site simple because the 13 year old glitter addicted girls just dont get it.
I consider me as part of us and I'm offended. Yeah, they come off all nice and proper but I don't believe it. I'm going to start promoting now, everywhere. Votes for FYP!
Oh wow, just voted and we are kicking ass.
Fuck them. We have "fuck" in the title.
Makes us righteously funny.
Heck, this blog is actually too high-minded and nice. When do we get some brutal duck porn?
(I can give you a pic from my collection if you need one.)
Tee Hee-JF said 'besmirched'!
Best Word Of The Day Award! WIN!
FU,P is hands down, flippers down, paws down, fins and furry tentacles down the best damned blog period. Fuck pet blogs, fuck political blogs, just name it King of the Known Universe Blog winner and all will be forgiven, CO! (re: Cute Overload. WTF is up with cutsie words and insider clique-speak? Gotta give some lurve votes to ICHC so ICHC can beat CO with a stick and kill it til it's dead {yet surprisingly still cyoot} and in third place. ****C.O. SHALL NOT PASS (ICHC and FU,P!)*****
FU,P IS MY INTERWEBS CRACK-I had serious withdrawal during the holiday hiatus!
stupid man.
Ohhhhh I don't come here for the PICTURES.... it's the COMMENTARY. Cute Overload fans probably don't even like the word Fuck. What the FUCK is up with that??
Every day when my 12 year old and 10 year old come home from school they ask, "Is there a new picture on the "Penguin" site? We all sit on the couch, look at the photo and I read the content out loud. (My son loves it when I say the word, "fuck". He's 10.) Then we talk about it and end up laughing hysterically TOGETHER. They have learned a lot of cool words, too. So not only is this site funny it is educational and brings families together. If I even tried to get them to look at Cute Overload with me they would call social services and I would be taken away for child abuse (and rightly so, I might add).
Dennis, just last week my children and I were discussing the difference between krill and shrimp (no kidding). They know how misunderstood your people are and want you to know they have told all their friends about you and the rest of the krill. So now they are activists, too.
All I want to say is this is the most amazing site. Ever. I will continue to vote "FUP". For Dennis. AND the children.
LOL I love Cute Overload, but damn, those commenters are pretty humorless, not to mention judgemental (most admitting to never having come over here before, but still proclaiming it a horrible, evil site).
WHATEVER.... I just scanned all of the finalists and NONE are as good as THIS blog. THis freaking blog is hilarious! That Hamburger one could be funny if they didn't just concentrate on cats alone... too bad for them... I've gotten about 50 people hooked on this site so far.
Keep up the good work!
I know of a cuter crustacean!!!!!
you're winning!
just mentioned you on pcl Linkdump
LMAO that's right, Fuck you Penguins for the win!!! 52% as of this posting
Vote! for Dennis and for the children!
we need a "I voted for Fuck you, Penguin " web badge :P
Yes, we needed a logo. So I spent literally minutes making one for everyone. Please go steal it off my site: http://sflovestory.wordpress.com/2009/01/11/i-voted-for-fuck-you-penguin/
How dare you make cute things evil?!?!?!
Ha, I just vomited in my mouth a little when I wrote that.
Seriously, someone over there at CO posted that you were making cute things evil.
They obviously don't understand that the cute things are already evil and you're just telling them what's what.
I've posted links to your site on so many of my friends pages, they probably want to kick my ass now.
Voting for you all the way.
This award is bullshit. Penguins cannot and will not stand for these shenanigans.
Please don't turn into another Cute Overload or the Icanhavecheezeburger and fries( or whatever the hell they call it) site- theirs looks so cheap with all the damn ads. I know you'll probably be running ads soon- but please keep it tasteful. It is funny that THEY think your design is bad! LOL! Theirs looks like the redlight district of a major city. All cheap and flashy.
Eh, their mother was a hamster and their father smelled of elderberries!!!
FUP rulez- claws DOWN.
Personally I hate being cute. Its an affliction. But there you go, I'm stuck with it. What can you do? As for Krill - well ... is it my fault they are ugly motherfuckers? They need a makeover or something. Except there are too many of them for that to work. So I understand the penguin's thing - it was for the best, really.
The comments on that site make me wanna barf.
As my Chicago relatives would say: "Vote fucking early and vote fucking often."
Dude, Cute Overload is gaining on us fast! VOTE, people! Vote like the wind!! Think of the children!!!
B-but, I love you both! What do I do?!?!?
OH crap! They're gaining!
I now am officially boycotting that stupid Japanimals site forever. They've gone WAY too far now. It's on, bitchezz. I will fuck your hello kitty ass UP.
Oh yeah, and btw, everyone vote for FU Penguin! Whee!
I just went to that cute overload and it is like a 10 year old built that web page. Their posts are not even remotely humorous, strictly lame.
"Hi, I'm a 12 year old cartoon girl, and I like, totally like CO way better than this yucky sight."
Which is to say, I am not a 12 year old girl. I do not choose my favorite character based on which one wears pink. I can however comprehend complex sentences and speak as adults do.
I thought I'd allow a fair chance, and you continue to have my vote.
p.s. Kudos to comparing the person who compared the CO design to a Hello Kitty purse
I do not however, edit as adults do ^_^
FU Penguin = Godzilla
Cute Overload = Tokyo
Here's an endorsement I did on another site to try and drum up a little more support for FU Penguin. Sadly, it looks like my dream of a 65% share of the vote is going to be unfulfilled, but a win is a win is a win.
You are currently winning as well!
Take that, cute things.
Don't tell Cute Overload I was here... I have been jaded by their cute animals and now enjoy swearing at them.
Fuck you, adorable thing!
dude. Referring to them as Nazi's??
this is all so childish!
Y'know, we have our share of Teh Almighty Snark, and the Just Plain Weird too. Remember, man does not live on kittens alone: Sometimes he needs a little buggering up.
- Theo @ www.CuteOverload.com
Wow, that "other" site made my teeth hurt.
You've got my vote!
...also, who said we were a PET BLOG? Or you guys either, for that matter? Or ICHC??
We're about funny, with fuzzy.
Ahhhhh the nazi thing was funny.
Yep I guess all the CO lovers went to their school library and went to all teh computers and voted for CO because the gap is closing.
I did stop and look at their site and the captions are not funny. Are they trying to be? I guess I just dont understand the yearning of looking at cute animals for the sake of looking at cute animals. I want a site that makes me laugh so hard my sides hurt and my coworkers think I cracked.
Fuck You, Penguin ALL THE WAY!!!!!
Our audience demographic tends to be a bit older than school-age, actually.
- T.
Fuck You Penguin and Cute Overload are in the lead.
Aw, man. I love Cute Overload, but I just went back and read all your archives and laughed til I cried. I'm torn! Torn, I tell you!
Well I could get all alpha here and assert that OUR ARCHIVES ARE BIGGER, but I'm just too classy.
I did not know this blog existed until I came across the link after being redirected from cuteoverload.com I am voting for you simply because I cannot stand the stupid babytalk from cuteoverload and its followers any longer.
dennis is the hottest little krill ever!!! ill vote for him! :D
DAMN I love the links in your posts. Like hidden treasure. xo
just so ya know-- CuteOverload fans are not simpering 12 year old girls, we're not afraid to be fucking vulgar, and we're ready to go balls to the wall, fight to the death for a meaningless blog award! And we're in the lead! Bwahahahahaha! :)
CUTE OVERLOAD KILLS BRAIN CELLS!!!! Spread the word, people.
Dude, I voted for FUP until my enter key fell off. Sorry, Dennis (and FUP), I fell like we - no, I - let you down. Hey, do you ever watch "March of the Penguins?" If so, how does that go? Just wondering.
I know this is old news, but C.O.'s site design is godawful! Too much going on! And the writing can't even dream of ever matching the quality of FUP. Keep it simple and clean and full of the f-word. That's my motto.
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